Tigerfolk, Variant (5e Race)
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Tigerfolk are among the beastfolk with the least interaction with the civilized world. Their culture espouses self-sufficiency and simplicity, none of which can be found in the island nation's many cities. Called Nenabuu, or “we who bite” in Beast Speech, Tigerfolk are nomadic and tribal, and they would have it no other way.
Tigerfolk have a greater affinity for the forests and deserts than the rest of the beastfolk. While ratfolk seek solitude and wolffolk seek enlightenment through their lives in the wilderness, TigerFolks seek life in the wilderness for the sake of living in the wilderness. The self-sufficiency needed to survive in the jungles, woods, and plains of the island nation attracts TigerFolks to such lives. Their love, even veneration, of nature gives them a strong preference for the outside world. To see a TigerFolks is a rare sight indeed, and is so rare a city dweller could go several years without seeing one where they live. Tigerfolk crave freedom, and their lives more than fit that description. They are passionate in their pursuits, whether it be combat, hunting, or building. They attack everything they do with unbridled zeal, getting genuine enjoyment from their pursuits.
Physical Description[edit]
A tigerfolk in the forest, readying for the hunt Fierce and Ferocious Tigerfolk are amongst the tallest of all beastfolk, and are some of the strongest. Tigerfolk, no matter their fur color, can stand over seven feet tall, and usually weigh more than 200 pounds. Tigerfolk are muscular, showing clear definition along their fur-lined bodies. Tigerfolk body fur is thin and fine, and their heads are shaped like that of a tiger. They might almost be confused with a rakshasa, except tigerfolk do not grow beards, their footwear never cover their clawed toes, and they have tails. Tigerfolk traditionally wear clothing with colors that correlate to their surroundings and environment. Leather and hide are common, as well as covering their faces with dust and dirt to better camouflage themselves. In terms of colors, tigerfolk prefer wearing the greens and browns of the woods, all the better to appear in nature. Tigerfolk have little affiliation with any of the nine clans. To find them among one is a valued rarity. Most will be found in the far western or far eastern provinces.
Tigerfolk have a greater affinity for the wilds of The Land Of Phoenix than the rest of the beastfolk. While most BeastFolk seek solitude and Humanoid's seek enlightenment through their, tigerfolk seek life in the wilderness for the sake of living in the wilderness. The self-sufficiency needed to survive in the jungles, woods, and plains of the nation attracts tigerfolk to such lives. Their love, even veneration, of nature gives them a strong preference for the outside world. To see a tigerfolk is a rare sight indeed, and is so rare a city dweller could go several years without seeing a tigerfolk where they live. Tigerfolk crave freedom, and their lives more than fit that description. They are passionate in their pursuits, whether it be combat, hunting, or building. They attack everything they do with unbridled zeal, getting genuine enjoyment from their pursuits.
Tigerfolk adventurers are not as common as some of the other beastfolk, but most of them do so for a universal reason: to ensure the safety of their homes. Though they may leave their abodes for months, even years, at a time, tigerfolk place great value on their home, keeping it clean and well-maintained. The threat of this is more than enough motivation for tigerfolk to take up their weapons and leave home for any length of time.
TigerFolk Names[edit]
It is uncommon for tiger folk to give themselves a human name. More often than not, it is a name that aptly describes them or their way of life, derived from their native Beast Speech language.>
Common Name's: Cenaak (He/She Steps), Renanaaj (You Who Wander), Neyanaat (We Are Hiding), Venaat (I Hide), Veya (I Am)
TigerFolk Traits[edit]
Tigerfolk characters share many traits, but there is enough in the way of differences in the two subraces to set them apart in terms of disposition.
At home in the wild, tiger folk care little for the trappings of civilization, preferring simple, rustic lives.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Tigerfolk mature fairly quickly, reaching adulthood around age 16, The fur on their bodies grey's little, even near the end of their lives. Though they typically live about 100 years, they remain vigorous and hardy towards their last years.
Alignment. Tigerfolk are usually not inclined to choose an alignment. They prefer simplicity in life, and will often do what they believe is the best idea, without much thought for the long-term. Such actions are decidedly neutral.
Size. A typical Tigerfolk is brawny, tall, and muscular, standing between 6'4” to 7'2", and weighing around 200-250 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Life in the thick confines of the jungle make your eyes sensitive to light. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Bloodthirsty. When you score a critical hit, you gain temporary hit points equal to 2 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 2).
Heat Endurance.. You have resistance to fire damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Beast Speech. If using a setting without multiple beastfolk races, you may substitute Beast Speech for Sylvan.
Subrace. Tigerfolk are divided into two different colors, orange and black, which bares some differences that are more than cosmetic. Choose one of these subraces.
Black Tigerfolk[edit]
People commonly find black tigerfolk in the eastern part's of the Land Of Phoenix, carving out lives in the woods as guides and hunters. They are noted for having a good sense of smell, and during the DeadZone War, it was not uncommon for Black tigerfolk to serve as warrior's for the demon lord's when they fought during the war
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Blood Hunt.. You know blood when you smell it. You gain a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls against hostile creatures at their maximum hit points.
Orange Tigerfolk[edit]
Orange tigerfolk tend to be less bulky than their dark-furred cousins, preferring life in the woods of eastern Phoenix. They are known for their sharp claws, using them for climbing and traveling through the thick canopy of trees. It is said the Tiger Claw style of combat used by monks was derived from the fighting methods of orange tigerfolk.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Claws.. Your claws grant you a climbing speed of 20 feet. Your claws are also natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
White Tigerfolk[edit]
White tigerfolk tend to be more dexterous and smarter then there other furred cousins, Only found in the snowy north of the land of Phoenix. They are known for their incredible survival skill and there ability to blend into the snowy biome's and track there enemies down
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Survival Skill. you get proficiency in the Survival skill allowing you to follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide your group through frozen wastelands, identify signs that owlbears live nearby, predict the weather, or avoid Icey patches and other natural hazards.
Heat Endurance. You have resistance to frost damage instead of fire damage.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
between 6'4” to 7'2"′ '' | + | 200-250 lb. | × () lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |