Thorn-spawn (4e Creature)

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Thorn-spawn are created by grove lords to serve as servants, guardians, and companions, depending on their need. While they begin their lives as mindless constructs of earth and plant matter, they mature over time. They are humanoid in shape, and stand about as tall as elves and humans.

Thorn-spawn Minion[edit]

These creatures are capable of following basic instructions, but do not possess the ability to think or reason. This doesn't necessarily impair their combat prowess, they will selflessly serve their masters to the end.

Thorn-spawn Minion
Level 2 Minion
Medium Fey Animate
XP 32
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +2
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 10
Speed 6
Basicmelee.png slashing claws ♦ at-will
Ranged.png Thorn shot ♦ at-will
Effect: Ranged 10/20; +5 vs. AC; 3 damage
Skills -
Feats -
Str 12 ((+2)) Dex 14 ((+3)) Wis 8 ((-))
Con 12 ((+2)) Int 4 ((-2)) Cha 8 ((-))
Alignment unaligned Languages understands elven
Equipment none
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Thorn-spawn Minion Tactics[edit]

A thorn-spawn minion will attempt to fight at range, but can make melee attacks as well. While not terribly threatening, they are usually found in high numbers.

Thorn-spawn Guardsman[edit]

Guardsmen are semi-trained thorn-spawn. They are capable of independent thought, but remain completely devoted to their masters. They've refined their skills, and make formidable foes.

Thorn-spawn Guardsman
Level 4 Artillery
Medium Fey Animate
XP 175
Initiative +5Senses Perception +5
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 16; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 12
Speed 6
Basicmelee.png slashing claws ♦ at-will
Effect: +5 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage
Ranged.png Thorn shot ♦ at-will
Effect: Ranged 10/20; +8 vs. AC; 2d6 damage
Area.png Thorn-cluster burstD6 (5).png D6 (6).png
Effect: Ranged 20; burst 2, +8 vs. reflex; 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the thorn-spawn guardsman's next turn.
Skills -
Feats -
Str 14 ((+4)) Dex 17 ((+5)) Wis 11 ((+2))
Con 14 ((+4)) Int 9 ((+1)) Cha 10 ((+2))
Alignment unaligned Languages elven
Equipment none
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Thorn-spawn Guardsman Tactics[edit]

A thorn-spawn guardsman will attempt to fight at range, but can make melee attacks as well. The guardsman will use it's burst attack as often as possible.

Thorn-spawn Cohort[edit]

Thorn-spawn Cohort
Level 6 Elite Controller
Medium Fey Humanoid
XP 500
Initiative +3Senses Perception +5 Senses darkvision
HP 140; Bloodied 70
Healing Surges 2
Regeneration 4 (only whe bloodied)
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 16, Will 18
Immune to poisons; Resist 5 radiant
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1
Basicmelee.png slam ♦ at-will
Effect: +6 vs. AC: 1d6 + 6 damage, and the target is weakened until the end of the Thorn-spawn Cohort's next turn.
Melee.png Entangling Blow ♦ recharge D6 (4).png D6 (5).png D6 (6).png
Effect: +6 vs AC: 1d6 + 6 damage, and the target is entangled (save ends).
Ranged.png Deluge of Thorns ♦ at-will
Effect: Range 10; +6 vs. Reflex: 1d8 + 6 damage.
Ranged.png Hindering Vines ♦ recharge D6 (5).png D6 (6).png
Effect: Range 10; + 10 vs Reflex: 1d8 + 8 damage, and the Thorn-spawn Cohort can slide the target up to 3 squares. The target cannot be moved into an unsafe square.
Area.png Healing Bellow ♦ recharges when Thorn-spawn Cohort is first bloodied
Effect: Range 15: burst 3: the Thorn-spawn Cohort and any allies in burst regain hitpoints as if they used a healing surge +1d6 additional hitpoints.
Fey Step ♦ recharges when Thorn-spawn Cohort is first bloodied
Effect: The Thorn-spawn Cohort can teleport 5 squares.
Skills Insight + 10, Nature + 12
Str 16 (+6) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 16 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 10 (+3)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, elven
Equipment none
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Thorn-spawn Cohort Tactics[edit]

The Cohort prefers not to engage in combat, but when pressed, will call upon woodland allies or it's brethren thorn-spawn. It will then hold back from the conflict, attempting to inflict the most damage possible from range, and use it's powers to better position and heal it's allies.

Thorn-spawn Lore[edit]

A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.

DC 15: Thorn-spawn can be created quickly by their grove lord in order to create a small army in a short amount of time.

DC 25: Thorn-spawn begin as unthinking animates, but given a dozen years of experience or a gift from their creator, they can mature into something greater.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Thorn-spawn are generally found defending their master's grove. As such, they are often found accompanied by enthralled natural beasts or their grove lord masters.

Level 4 Encounter (XP 900)

  • 1 thorn-spawn cohort (level 6 elite controller)
  • 1 grizzly bear (level 3 brute)
  • 2 gray wolves (level 2 skirmisher)

Level 5 Encounter (XP 1,100)

  • 1 thorn-spawn cohort (level 6 elite controller)
  • 2 thorn-spawn guardsmen (level 4 artillery)
  • 8 thorn-spawn minions (level 2 minion)

Level 9 Encounter (XP 2,000)

  • 1 thorn-spawn cohort (level 6 elite controller)
  • 2 cave bears (level 6 elite brute)
  • 4 gray wolves (level 2 skirmisher)

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