The Undying (5e Race)
The Undying[edit]
The Undying are a nightmarish species that are not born but created from the twisted willpower of those who have passed.
Physical Description[edit]
The Undying have multitudes of needle-like teeth and pointed ears. Their eyes are sunken into their skull so much they are no longer visible and their bald flesh is covered with a thin translucent layer of skin stretched tightly in some places, and drooping in others. Their nose is stretched up, forcing their lipless mouth to remain permanently open. they are a horror to witness and will send anyone who sees them running in terror. As such those who prefer not to incite a panic generally cover up. (based on 'Vampire')
The Undying are a nightmarish species that are not born but created when someone's body dies but their mind refuses to, through sheer force of will they form a new body from the essence of the abyss and return to the plane on which they died. This is where their name originates from; they are the ones that refused to die.
The Undying do not have a society, as rare as they are; Generally no Undying will ever meet another. They instead keep to the customs of who they were before death.
Undying Names[edit]
Some Undying use names taken from the culture they originate from, but many use Aberration names.
Undying Traits[edit]
The Undying are a nightmarish species created from the twisted willpower of those who die.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. The Undying are only created when somethings body perishes, but its mind refuses to die. As such you live until killed once more and never physically age, you are considered mature.
Alignment. The Undying tend towards neutrality, viewed with terror and hatred by the general populous, some Undying become good, determined to prove them wrong, some accept they will never be viewed as anything different and turn to evil, but most simply avoid all contact and seclude themselves away from civilisation, or cover every inch of their body to disguise their terrifying form.
Size. The Undying vary widely in height and build, from barely 4 feet to well over 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aberration. While you may act and appear at least somewhat human, you have a mind and body as alien as any aberration. Your creature type is both humanoid and aberration.
Psychic Resistance. If your mind is strong enough to resurrect you from death it is certainly strong enough to shrug off a little psychic bludgeoning, You gain resistance to Psychic damage.
Withering Touch. Your body is formed of the Abyss, as such you can infuse your unarmed strikes with necrotic energies to drain the life of your foes. As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can deal additional Necrotic damage with your unarmed strikes equal to your Wisdom modifier. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you have finished a Long Rest.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Abyssal.
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