The Time of Gods and Men (3.5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: 2 / 5
This has some sparse information, but large amounts of material are missing. Please help improve this.

What are the rating guidelines in more detail?
Why is The Time of Gods and Men (3.5e Campaign Setting) rated how it is?
What is the correct campaign setting formatting?
If you feel this campaign setting does not deserve the current rating, start a discussion and the rating will be discussed

Player Info

Character Creation
Advice on Creating Characters
The races of The Time of Gods and Men.
List of all playable OGC classes.
Gods and other Immortals
New Weapons, Armor, and Vehicles
New feats for characters in the Time of Gods and Men

World Reference

The history of the world.
The Empires and Kingdoms a Time of Gods and Men.
This is the who's who of the Empires.

Running The Time of Gods and Men

Running The Time of Gods and Men Campaign
Advice for implementing a campaign
These adventures are set in the Time of Gods and Men setting.

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