The Redeemed (3.5e Trait)

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The Redeemed

Through personal tragedy you have come out of a dark place with a sense of peace.
Prerequisite: Must have suffered though extreme guilt and sought redemption. (Ex. Clerics losing favor with their patron diety and seeking Atonement.)
Benefit: You gain a +3 curcumstatial check in the area of redemption(Skills: Knowledge: Nature, Religion, Arcana, etc.).
Drawback: Being called out on the mis-deed that caused you to suffer the guilt gives you intense remorse and causes you to be stunned(1d3 rounds, DC15+area of redemption save negates the stun, not the remorse).
Special: When dealing with other "Redeemed" you gain a +5 empathy bonus on all interactions with the character.

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