The Planes Of Existence (The 9 Islands Of The Living Land Setting)

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The Planes Of Existence[edit]

The collective 'everywhere', the planes of existence are where everything would be when the question where? is asked. Three of the four inner planes were created by the deities of the 9 Islands, known as the Loving Gods, and only one outer plane was created by them as their own resting place, the Ever-loving Goodness Of Celeste.

The Cosmic Barrier[edit]

An invisible barrier surrounding all of the inner planes and preventing the outer planes from invading the Prime Material. The Cosmic Barrier weakens once every year, however, allowing extraplanar creatures such as devils, demons, and celestials, to invade the inner planes. The barrier was created by Mard as a defensive wall other planes that would seek to conquer, ruin, or dominate the Prime Material.

The Inner Planes[edit]

There are 4 planes inside the Cosmic Barrier, Realm Ethereal, Void Astral, Home Elemental, and Prime Material. Only two of which is known to support life.

Realm Ethereal[edit]

A plane full of the souls that have moved on from their life, a resting place for the troubled souls, the Realm Ethereal is a home created by Gaia to let the people that have perished to live on contently. Visitors of the plane find themselves and all around them translucent with a ghostly white-blue glow. The plane is located on top of the Prime Material and exist on the same dimensions, but this plane is coated in a mysterious mist that prevents mortals from seeing it. If someone came here to look for a dead loved one, the search will either come up empty. If a visitor does find who its searching for, the soul becomes trapped in the plane and nothing allows it to return that is short of a wish spell.

Void Astral[edit]

The place where it all began, as the name suggests, however, the plane is utterly empty, save for portals to the other planes of existence, and few aberrations. The Void Astral is the farthest from the Prime Material and the closest to the Cosmic Barrier, because of this, plenty of devils use this plane as a check point to for a planned invasion, granted they survive an attack from a resident of the Void Astral.

Home Elemental[edit]

A plane with collided forces of air, earth, fire, and water, the Home Elemental is the place where elementals call home. The four settlements, the City Of Brass, the City of Jewels, the Citadel of 10,000 Pearls, and the Wind Dukes Of Aaqa, are dominated by genies, they keep watch activities and work with each other to protect the Prime Material, as this plane surrounds the Prime Material and serves as it first line of defense against devilish or demonic invasions.

The City Of Brass[edit]

The city dominated by efreeti, the City of Brass serves as the front line defenders when it comes to invasions. The warriors' swordsmanship is unrivaled by the other genies forces.

The City Of Jewels[edit]

The place known for mining precious gems from their own home, the City of Jewels makes a trade with the other settlements on the Home Elemental as well as the Prime Material, metals and gems become more common here than on the Prime Material, so finding them is easier here. The city's line of defense consists of the dao, earth elementals, and earth elemental myrmidons, all of which focus on defending the other settlements and shielding the front lines with their mastery over the earth.

The Citadel Of 10,000 Pearls[edit]

A palace ruled by marids, the citadel's line of trade is its abundance of pearls. Jewelry bought from the citadel are necklaces, bracelets, and circlets, all having at least one pearl inset on them. On the off chance that an extraplanar invasion is to occur, the hidden water elementals quickly drown the invaders before they could deal any major damage.

The Wind Dukes Of Aaqa[edit]

A city set on the land of a floating island, the Wind Dukes of Aaqa keep watch on the outer planes, the djinnis that rule here look for any weak spots in the Cosmic Barrier and alert the other settlements about a probable invasion.

The Outer Planes[edit]

There are 5 planes outside of the Cosmic Barrier, one seeks to conquer it, make it part of its domain, two want to corrupt it using their own methods, another one wants to infect it with its chaos, only one wants to leave it be.

Extraplanar Death[edit]

If a creature from one of the outer planes is slain, its body reforms back on its home plane, the only way of permanently killing an extraplanar creature is slaying it in its home plane, there are magic items that outright kill a creature permanently even if it is supposed to return to its home plane.

The Ancient Palaces Of Chordata[edit]

A plane ruled by primal forces, and prehistoric creatures. There are three dominating factions here, each of which work together to expand their planes reach. Outside the palaces are a chaotic land of dinosaurs hunting, exiled saurians wandering the plane, looking for the tiniest sliver of redemption, only to be taken by the elements. The land is a mix of lush jungles, dry deserts, green forests, frozen arctics, and savage waters, the inhabitants with the slightest bit of sentience tend to be more orderly, going by a set of rules and eventually entering a state of calmness when they find one of the palaces.

Saurian Dynasty[edit]

A race of dinosaur-looking humanoids, the saurian serve the roll of tactician when it comes to conquering lands. They want nothing more than to see their plans unveil and succeed, but a failure is detrimental to their kind. One saurian is the leader while the others come up with suggestions and improves the plan, if a suggestion causes the plan to fail, the leader and the saurian who suggested it are exiled from their empire.

Phibious Kingdom[edit]

The kingdom serves the roll of general in invasions, their sharp mind and wit makes them great strategists, improvising when the plan goes wrong. A phibious that gets itself killed for the sake of saving its allies are rewarded the highest honor for a phibious, a Badge Of Heroism, this badge shows that the wearer is selfless and righteous, sacrificing itself for the good of others.

Cephalon Empire[edit]

A race of cephalopod-like humanoids with mind for the arcane, a cephalon casts spells like a wizard does. Many cephalons live longer than the other races on Chordata, giving insane amounts of knowledge and they use this knowledge to exploit the weaknesses of the inner planes and where a weak spot would appear on the Cosmic Barrier, making the cephalon the deadliest beings on this plane.

The Chaotic Insanity Of Zraxi'hts[edit]

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