The Goblins N Grounds (5e Encounter)

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The Goblins N Grounds[edit]

Encounter Level 1 or 2

It is ideal to use this encounter between a popular trade route, a rich city or a short cut the party decided to take. This encounter can even serve as a piece of an important part of your campaign.

Description (The DM Could Reword or Even Rephrase This Whole Description to Their Liking)[edit]

As the party begins to approach a dirt path they see a clear path that is of popular use in their location.


When they approach the trail any party member with a passive perception, wisdom (perception) of 20 can notice that some patches on this dirt trail are uneven and look as if it had been dug out of the ground.

This trail goes into a straight line for 120 ft and a wide range of 35 ft.

A character that wishes to look a little further upon the dirt that lays on the trail can instead make a wisdom (perception) check will instead notice the man-made feature with a DC of 15 or lower. If a creature wanders 30 ft off of the trail and makes a DC 10 perception check, they will see six shovels placed near a tree.

If the players do not take action or does not take notice, a lone goblin runs out of a tree and speaks to the assumed party leader in common tongue, Oi! You people in my territory, gotta pay for ye passage. So I'll be nice and assume everyone is willing to pay, the fee's 20 gold pieces per person... If ya don't well ye gonna pay in blood! If the part pays for the passage the goblin will let the party go but if the party refuses to pay or makes any suspicious actions he will command 6 goblins to jump out of the man-made wholes and attack, the first round of combat will be taken as a surprise round. after the surprise round is over the boss goblin will ask the closest party member to him in the initiative list How bout now? If the party still does not pay the goblins will continue to attack.


Goblin Boss

This goblin uses the stats of any Goblin in this category --> Goblin, but if the goblin boss has an AC of 15 and below he will have studded leather armor, changing its AC to 16.


These goblins use the stats of any Goblin in this category --> Goblin.


After the players defeat the goblins (fleeing or not), each of the players gain 300 XP

If the party decides to search for loot they will find 40 GP in a chest tucked badly near a tree. Additionally, if they loot the goblins they will find 1d6 gp on the boss and 1d10 SP collectively on the goblins.

(one vote)

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