Wiki Gaming: The Creature Battle

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The Creature Battle[edit]

Every Wednesday, sometime between 8:00 pm and 12:00 pm a new Creature Battle will be posted. It may be cancled or postponed, as will be said on the creature battle's page (see the bottom of this page for current and past battles, even if the current battle is cancled/postponed, it will be there). It will feature 2-3 competitors will battle each other. Okay, it ain't gonna be a video where two guys clash and bash. Here's what its really gonna be:

MythicActions2000 will pick 2-3 homebrew 5e Creatures of similar challenge rating and use them as the competitors. They will write opening description of the battle, possible settings, who would win, etc. (about 3-5 paragraphs, maybe more. Then, users who are invited can give comments in a specified section and MythicActions2000 (CBM (Creature Battle Master)) will lable each comment with each creature in the fight and saying how much points each creature gets, as well as possibly a reason for the amount of points they assign each creature. Points are not the deciding factor, just how much it convinced the CBM about the over all winner.

Example: Mon 1 and Mon 2 are fighting. A user gives a comment slightly in favor of Mon 2. The CBM says "Mon 2: 2 points. Mon 1: 1 point".

They winner of the two or three creatures will be decided the next Wednsday in 2 weeks, before the next Creature Battle is posted. Only invited users are allowed to discuss the battle. Any creators/major editors of creatures that are used in current or past battles will be invited. I know who is and who isn't invited, so don't try anything funny. If you aren't invited but interested, send a request to be invited on this page's talk page.

Qualifying Creatures: To be featured in a Creature battle, a page must have all the conitions a page must have to be a Featured Article. If you want one of your creatures (or anyone's) to be featured in a battle, send a request and a link to the creature to this page's talk page.

Also, please send any improvements or changes to the Creature Battle method that you request to the talk page as well.

Finally at the top of a creature's page, it will say if that creature has ever been in a Creature Battle.

Creature Battles so far: