The Bogey Chart 2 (3.5e Other)
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The Bogey Chart 2[edit]
Okay, so this works like feats and flaws and roleplaying quirks. We usually roll 2 times, with an optional 3rd time. Reroll when it doesn't make sense for the player, and reroll one if you get 3 negative game affecting bogeys.
If you decide to use this, every player must roll on it. Roll a d100:
# | Bogey | Description |
1 | Mugged | Start without items and 50% HP loss. |
2 | What’s That Smell? | You smell like a vegetable of your choice. |
3 | Street Talk | Can’t read or write bonus languages, but +2 Diplomacy. |
4 | Hunting Accident | Missing hand (free hook) or Missing leg (free peg, −5ft land speed). |
5 | Son of a Whore | You're a by-product of the world’s oldest profession. |
6 | Clutch Confidence | +2 on skill checks in “life threatening” situations. |
7 | Unnatural Mistrust | You don’t trust foreigners. |
8 | Work History | +2 on any two different Professions. |
9 | Distracting | +2 on feint attempts, Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks. |
10 | Unlucky | Once per day, the DM can make you reroll any successful reflex save. |
11 | Fancy Pants | Free bonus Masterwork armor and extra set of clothes. |
12 | Speech impediment | −2 Diplomacy, Bluff. |
13 | Unfortunate Nickname | Other Players and DM collaborate on your new nickname. |
14 | A History of Violence | Power Attack feat. |
15 | A Wizard Did it | You are cursed by a curse of the DM’s choice. |
16 | I’m Getting too Old for This Shit | Age goes up one category. |
17 | Reincarnated | You remember a life as someone else. |
18 | Photographic Memory | DM gives you hints on things you’ve seen before in better detail. Immune to Amnesia. |
19 | Bold and Beautiful | +1 Charisma, though you are prone to taking risks. |
20 | Triple Threat | +2 on Perform(singing), Perform(dancing), Disguise |
21 | A Fool and His Money | Everyday, you loose a gp for no reason. |
22 | Pumped Up | +1 Strength, +20% extra weight. |
23 | I Don’t Know | −2 penalty on Knowledge skill checks |
24 | Up Close and Personal | +1 on unassisted melee targets, −1 on ranged attacks (not ranged touch attacks). |
25 | Tone Deaf | −2 penalty on all Listen and Perform(singing). |
26 | Strong, Silent Type | +1 Strength, but you only speak when spoken to directly, or in "life threatening" situations. |
27 | Jazz Hands | Quick Draw feat, +2 Sleight of Hand. |
28 | Sleep in the Nude | You don’t wear anything to bed. |
29 | Catchphrase | You use your catchphrase whenever possible. Have other players make suggestions for it. |
30 | Fashion Disaster | Your clothes and armor always look mismatched and outdated. |
31 | Free Zero | You can cast a 0 level spell at will 3 times a day. Key ability modifier is player's choice. |
32 | Jittery | You move at least 1 square every round in combat, as long as it doesn’t hurt you to do so. |
33 | Pyromaniac | You can make little flames (like a lighter) with your hands that deal 1 point of fire damage per round (not to you). |
34 | A Japanese Thing | When people talk about you behind your back, you sneeze. |
35 | Underwear Model | +1 Charisma, −1 Constitution, addicted to the drug of your choice. |
36 | Hands on Training | You get +2 in two skills you have no ranks in but other PCs have ranks in. |
37 | Brash | −2 penalty on all Charisma based skill checks, but +2 on Will saves. |
38 | Built up Immunity | +2 on Fortitude saves. |
39 | Wiry | −1 Strength +1 Dexterity. |
40 | Contortionist | +1 Dexterity, +4 Escape Artist. |
41 | Stalker | You have an unusual obsession over another PC. (DM may opt to choose who in secret) |
42 | Walk it Off | Regain lost HP and ability damage every day, even if not rested. |
43 | Jackass | You’re famous for having done something really stupid. |
44 | Traveling Salesman | +2 on Appraise checks as well as +2 on Diplomacy when bargaining. |
45 | Hunted | Someone keeps hiring NPCs to get you. |
46 | Strong Hands | You’re always treated as though you have locking gauntlets. |
47 | Ex | You were married, now you're not. |
48 | Diver | +2 bonus on Swim checks, you can hold your breath twice as long as normal. |
49 | Bully | +1 to attack all targets of smaller size categories. |
50 | Got it, Flaunt it | You wear things that make you stand out (+2 for others to spot you). |
51 | Nose Picker | You pick your nose in public. |
52 | NC-17 | You are inappropriate for young audiences. Reroll if you already rolled Funk That! |
53 | Liar | You lie compulsively. Reroll if your character class prohibits lies. |
54 | Compensation | When you roll a natural one for an attack, your next attack roll gets a +2 bonus that encounter. |
55 | Tall | Your height is the maximum listed for your race/gender. |
56 | Red Flag | You like to fight dirty. +2 on attacks against opponents who are knocked down. |
57 | Warm Welcome | You're always happy to see new faces. |
58 | Not Paying Attention | −2 Initiative penalty. |
59 | Never Give Up, Never Surrender | When all your allies have been killed, you fight with +4 morale bonus. |
60 | Avenge My Death! | Your party gets a +2 morale bonus when you drop to −10 HP for that encounter. |
61 | Longevity | You don’t suffer the negative aging effects for becoming middle-aged only. |
62 | Pimped out Ride | You get a mount of your choice with masterwork studded leather barding. |
63 | Wisdom of the Trees | −1 Wisdom. |
64 | Nymphomaniac | Sex addict. |
65 | Seaman | +4 Profession(sailor). |
66 | Awesome | +1 Charisma. People love you, man. Way to rock! |
67 | Focused Skill Set | +1 skill points per level, but you loose a skill as a class skill. |
68 | Beauty Sleep | If you get your full rest, you get a +2 bonus on Charisma based skills, otherwise its a −4 penalty. |
69 | Bald | You don’t have hair, except for eye brows and eye lashes. |
70 | Weirdo | Choose either: 3rd Nipple, Unibrow, Warts, Albinism, or Excess Body Hair. |
71 | Night Terrors | Every time you go to sleep, roll a d20, on a natural 1 you wake up screaming and flailing. |
72 | Powerful Chest | If PC is Male, then +1 Strength, if PC is Female, then +1 Charisma. |
73 | Schooled | +1 Intelligence. |
74 | Hot Topic | Choose either tattoos or piercings, or both. |
75 | Claustrophobic | −2 morale penalty in tight quarters. |
76 | Look to a Higher Power | If you pray for a round before you take an action, you get a +2 bonus on a skill check. |
77 | Adopted | You gain the learned abilities of another race, such as a dwarf’s training, as well as languages. |
78 | Dragon Tongue | You can speak Draconic with a perfect accent, but not read or write it. |
79 | Adjustment | +1 to an ability score, −1 to another. |
80 | Androgynous like David Bowie | Your features appear fair for a man or too rough for a woman. |
81 | Super Hero | On Double Natural 20s for an attack, you gain a +2 Morale bonus for the encounter. |
82 | Rock Star | The masterwork instrument of your choice plus a +2 bonus on Perform for the instrument’s type. |
83 | Serial Killer | You secretly kill people. |
84 | Space Invader | You get a +2 bonus to attack all opponents who occupy your space (but not your natural reach). |
85 | Minion | Your choice of Handmaiden or Stable boy. You do not have to pay this minion, but they will need food. |
86 | Haunted? | A ghostly apparition only you can see follows you around and talks to you. |
87 | Kung-Fucious | +1 Wisdom, Improved Unarmed Strike feat. |
88 | Horse Whisperer | +2 on Ride checks, +4 on Handle Animal checks with horses. |
89 | Popeye | You have a favorite food/drink, and when you eat it, it functions like a bull’s strength potion once a day. |
90 | Potion Drunk | Healing potions restore 1 HP more than you roll for. |
91 | Take a Hit | You shrug off the first point of nonlethal damage each round from attacks. |
92 | Lost | −4 on Survival skill checks. |
93 | One Too Many | −4 on Fortitude saves to resist drunkenness. |
94 | Funk That! | You can’t stand to curse. Reroll if you already rolled NC-17. |
95 | Go For It | You gain a +2 morale bonus when your HP drop to or below your Level (i.e. 3 HP at 3rd level). |
96 | Weekly | You get a 2nd Level spell once a week cast at your character level. Key ability modifier is player's choice. |
97 | Trunk of Junk | You get to roll for 2 random Minor Magic items. |
98 | Posse | 3 Level 1 NPC Class minions follow you around, but don’t fight unless attacked. |
99 | Interspecies Dating | Hey, at least you're not a racist. |
100 | DM LAW | DM's choice! |
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