Template talk:WotCForums

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If someone can pretty it up and make the wording better, feel free. Here is the coding used to put it on your userpage (obviously the example given is with my personal info, so replace accordingly: {{Template:WotCForums|http://community.wizards.com/ogrehooper}}   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   17:29, 5 September 2009 (MDT)

My suggestions, which I've applied to the sample below:
  • Shorten and reword the bolded text, and slightly reword the rest of the text. It's rather lengthy for a title, and a bit redundant since everything in the title is also explained in the rest of the text.
  • Make the Wizards logo a bit bigger.
  • Have the link to their page hyperlinked to the last word ("here") instead of just as a numbered link at the end. (I may have gotten the code for this wrong in my example). -- Dracomortis 18:02, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
Wotclogo.gif Wizards Forum User
This D&Dwiki user is also an active member of the Wizards of the Coast Community forum, and you can reach their profile on that site by visiting their page [|here].
I agree, and just did that - if you look at my userpage, you'll see that with this coding it just removes the word "here" and has the link. Anyone know how to fix this?   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   18:03, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
Not only is it removing the word "here", it seems to be adding the bite of text I added ("|here") to the end of the URL, whereas I assumed that change would make the word "here" the hyperlinked text. Also, for whatever reason, the link is now marked as external link 15 instead of 1. -- Dracomortis 18:07, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
Delete the bar before here and just add a space. So: ogrehooper here. Try that. --Jay Freedman 18:08, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
@Draco - I believe it only appears like ("|here") on the template page because no link is provided, because I am using it and on my userpage it does link to it just removes here. However, the 15 is because I have ALOT of external links on my page, so if you have none then it would be 1, or if I moved mine up higher the number would change.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   18:09, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
Hooper, Draco, if you guys are okay with it (as in, don't make any edits whil I'm doing this, so there's no conflict), I can take a crack at figuring this out. Is that okay? --TheWarforgedArtificer 18:11, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
Now it is working perfectly. As seen at my page.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   18:11, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
@Jay: Added your fix to the template, and it seems to be functioning as intended now. --Dracomortis 18:12, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
Now, I wonder if we could make it so that anyone using this template is put into a WotCForums category, kind of like how our User Location classifieds work, or is that just too much?   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   18:13, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
I think there may be a few ways to turn the template itself into a category-adder... --TheWarforgedArtificer 18:15, 5 September 2009 (MDT)
I'm not particularly fond of the newest changes to the template - it doesn't look as nice any more, as the last line now reads "you can reach their profile on that site by visiting their page <insert username>" instead of "by visiting their page here". For example, mine reads "by visiting their page dracomortis". I suggest altering it to either read "by visiting their page here: <insert username>", or reverting to its previous state. --Dracomortis 21:28, 6 September 2009 (MDT)
I made it say "....their page here:" if that helps.   Hooper   talk    contribs    email   06:29, 7 December 2009 (MST)