Template:Top "Back To" Footer

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All parameters are optional.
The parameters inputbox, and add are mutually exclusive:

  1. If inputbox is provided, then the template will show inputbox.
  2. If inputbox is not provided, but add is provided, then the template will show add.
  3. If neither are given, neither will show up.
 {{Top "Back To" Footer

Add Example

 {{Top "Back To" Footer
 |breadcrumb={{3.5e Breadcrumb}}
 |add=[[Form:3.5e Quest|quest]] or [[Form:3.5e Encounter|encounter]]

Inputbox Example

 {{Top "Back To" Footer
 |breadcrumb={{5e Creatures Breadcrumb}}
     buttonlabel=Create new creature.
     default=MyCreature (5e Creature)
     editintro=5e Creature Instructions
     preload=5e Creature Preload
   Please leave the "(5e Creature)" identifier in the page title when creating your new creature!