Template:Stat Block 2/Invocations Known

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How to Use This Template

This template is designed to be used with the stat block template to detail a creatures invocations by setting the prgrsns parameter to this invocations known template.

Definition of Parameters

Parameter Description Required Example
cls Specifies the to what class the invocations are associated. It is recommended this parameter be set when the creature uses invocations from two or more different classes. It is also recommended if the creature can use invocations as a racial ability to use the parameter to specify which class the racial ability mimics. No Warlock
pd Details that apply most if not all invocations within this progression. Yes CL 12th
lstik Least invocations known under this invocation-using progression No beguiling influence, miasmic cloud (DC 15), see the unseen
lsrik Lesser invocations known under this invocation-using progression No eldritch chain, flee the scene, hellrime blast (DC 18), voracious dispelling
grtik Greater invocations known under this invocation-using progression No chilling tentacles, devour magic
drkik Dark invocations known under this invocation-using progression No utterdark blast (DC 22)


{{Stat Block 2
|name=Some Goblinoid
|race=some goblinoid race |clvl=warlock 12
|al=[[Neutral|N]] |size=[[SRD:Medium|Medium]] |type=[[humanoid]] ([[goblinoid]])
|init=+0 |sens=[[darkvision]] 60 ft. |listen=+1 |spot=+1
|ac=10 |touch=10 |flat=10
|hp=24 |hd=12
|fort=+0 |ref=+0 |will=+2
|spd=30 ft. (6 squares)
|bab=+6 |grp=+6
  Stat Block 2/Invocations Known
  |pd=CL 12th
  |lstik=''beguiling influence'', ''miasmic cloud'' (DC 15), ''see the unseen''
  |lsrik=''eldritch chain'', ''flee the scene'', ''hellrime blast'' (DC 18), ''voracious dispelling''
  |grtik=''chilling tentacles'', ''devour magic''
  |drkik=''utterdark blast'' (DC 22)
|str=10 |dex=10 |con=10 |int=10 |wis=10 |cha=14

The above wiki-code produces the following stat block.

Some Goblinoid

CR —

some goblinoid race warlock 12
N Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
Init/Senses +0/darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +1
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 24 (12 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +0/+0/+2
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Base Atk/Grp +6/+6
Invocations Known (CL 12th):
Least—beguiling influence, miasmic cloud (DC 15), see the unseen
Lesser—eldritch chain, flee the scene, hellrime blast (DC 18), voracious dispelling
Greater—chilling tentacles, devour magic
Dark—utterdark blast (DC 22)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14

Null Test

Invocations Known ({{{pd}}}):