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Home Unknown
Gender Unknown
Race Unknown
[view] [edit]File:Template-info.svg Template documentation

This is a template used to display various bits of information together to describe a person.

The default parameters are name, home, gender, and race.

Optional parameters
Parameter Description
age An age of interest for the article in which this appears.
Automatically calculated with dob and ageyear.
ageyear The year the age of interest occurs.
aliases Any aliases the person has.
alignment The alignment of the person.
caption A caption for the image
class The class of the person.
death The year the person died.
deathday The day the person died.
deathmonth The month the person died.
deathnotes Additional information regarding the death of this person.
destroyed The year the person is destroyed.
destroyedday The day the person is destroyed.
destroyedmonth The month the person is destroyed.
destroyednotes Additional information regarding the destruction of this person.
dob The year the person is born.
dobday The day the person is born.
dobmonth The month the person is born.
dobnotes Additional information regarding the birth of this person.
image An image of the person
languages The language(s) the person speaks.
page The pages of the source.
patron deity The patron deity the person follows/ed.
reckoning The unit of annual measurement such as B.C. or A.D.
reckoningage The unit of annual measurement at the age of interest, if different from reckoning.
See reckoningdeath for details.
reckoningdeath The of annual measurement at the time of death, if different than reckoning.
This only works as in our world with B.C./A.D. and B.C.E./C.E. (1 B.C. is proceeded by 1 A.D.).
rules The set of rules (edition) that apply to the person (2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, etc).
source The source/book origin of the person.
|image=Example Image
|caption=Portrait of Example at the Battle of Important Events

|aliases=TJ, CJ, MJ, AJ
|home=D&D Wiki
|race=Example Race

|reckoning=True Time
|dobnotes=Long birth (3 hours)

|reckoningdeath=Fake Time
|deathnotes=Died in a mugging.

|destroyednotes=Tomb raided by Example Aliens in the invasion of 2065.

|reckoningage=Fake Time


|alignment=Chaotic Good

|patron deity=Example God

|languages=Basic, simple Dark

|source=Example text