Template:Pathfinder Creature

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This template allows for the creation of up to 3 Pathfinder creatures if #ofEntries is 3. All parameters provided to the template are tripled by adding 2 and 3 to the end of each parameter.

Required Parameters

General Information
Parameter Details
align Alignment.
cr Challenge Rating.
creature Creature name.
init Initiative modifier.
senses Special senses and its Perception check modifier.
size Size.
type Type.
xp Experience points.
Defense Information
Parameter Details
ac Armor Class.
acdet AC modifiers.
flat Flat-footed Armor Class.
hd Hit dice.
hp Hit points.
fort Fortitude save.
ref Reflex save.
touch Touch Armor Class.
will Will save.

Required Parameters

Offense Information
Parameter Details
melee Melee attacks.
speed Speed.
Statistics Information
Parameter Details
bab Base Attack.
cha Charisma.
cmb Combat Maneuver Bonus.
cmd Combat Maneuver Defense.
con Constitution.
dex Dexterity.
int Intelligence.
str Strength.
wis Wisdom.
Ecology Information
Parameter Details
env Environment(s).
org Organization (solitary, pair, nest, etc.).
treas Treasure.

Optional Parameters

General Information
Parameters Details
#ofEntries The number of creatures in the template (up to 3).
aura Aura (if any).
class Classes and levels (if any).
race Race (if any).
subtype Subtype.
Defense Information
Parameters Details
da Defensive Abilities.
dr Damage Reduction.
immune Immunity.
resist Resistance.
sr Spell Resistance.
weak Weaknesses.

Optional Parameters

Offense Information
Parameter Details
ranged Ranged attacks.
reach Reach (if not standard).
sa Special Attacks.
spa Spell-like Abilities.
space Space (if not standard).
spk Spells known.
spp Spells prepared.
Statistics Information
Parameter Details
feats Feats.
lang Languages (if any).
racemod Racial modifiers (if any).
skills Skills.
Special Abilities Information
Parameter Details
sability Special Abilities.
{{Pathfinder Creature
|creature=Example   |creature2=Example2    |creature3=Example3
|cr=6               |cr2=4                 |cr3=8
|xp=4,000           |xp2=1,000             |xp3=5,000
|race=Bugbear       |race2=Goblin          |race3=Hobgoblin
|class=Witch 1      |class2=Fighter 3      |class3=Wizard 6
|align=NE           |align2=NG             |align3=N
|size=Large         |size2=Small           |size3=Medium
|type=magical beast |type2=humanoid        |type3=aberration
|subtype=goblinoid, archon  |subtype2=goblinoid, deep one    |subtype3=goblinoid, android
|init=+8            |init2=+4              |init3=+14
|senses=low-light vision, scent; Perception +4
|senses2=blindsight 40 ft.; Perception +8
|senses3=darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +45

|ac=16              |ac2=14                |ac3=10
|touch=8            |touch2=11             |touch3=6
|flat=14            |flat2=13              |flat3=7
|acdet=+2 dex, +10 natural, +2 size
|acdet2=+4 dex, +10 natural, -2 size
|acdet3=-2 dex, +14 natural, -2 size
|hp=20    |hd=2d10+9
|hp2=400  |hd2=20d20+190
|hp3=6    |hd3=2d2+4
|fort=+6    |ref=+4    |will=+2
|fort2=+5   |ref2=+3   |will2=+1
|fort3=+9   |ref3=+8   |will3=+7
|da=uncanny dodge    |dr=5/-             |immune=fire             |resist=electricity 10    |sr=15
|da2=                |dr2=10/-           |immune2=curse effects   |resist2=poison    |sr2=5
|da3=evasion         |dr3=15/cold iron   |immune3=undead traits   |resist3=poison    |sr3=
|weak=light sensitivity
|weak2=tree dependent
|weak3=susceptible to salt

|speed=25 ft.
|speed2=5 ft., swim 45 ft.
|speed3=10 ft., fly 55 ft.
|melee=mwk mace +9/+4 (1d8+3), 2 claws +9 (2d6+6)
|melee2=bite +8 (2d8+5)
|melee3=2 talons (1d4-2)
|ranged=mwk bow +6/+4 (1d8+3)
|ranged2=rock +12 (2d6+5)
|ranged3=short bow +6 (1d6/x3)
|space=10 ft.    |space2=20 ft.          |space3=30 ft.
|reach=15 ft.    |reach2=5 ft.           |reach3=0 ft.
|sa=spit acid    |sa2=engulf, paralysis  |sa3=frightful moan (DC 18)
|spa=(CL 20th)<br>    At will—''discern location''
|spp2=(CL 15th)
|spk=(CL 2nd)
|spk3=(CL 9th)

|str=10    |dex=12    |con=14    |int=16    |wis=18    |cha=20
|str2=22   |dex2=24   |con2=26   |int2=28   |wis2=30   |cha2=32
|str3=8    |dex3=6    |con3=4    |int3=2    |wis3=1    |cha3=—
|bab=+12   |cmb=+14   |cmd=+15
|bab2=+8   |cmb2=+7   |cmd2=+6
|bab3=+4   |cmb3=+3   |cmd3=+1
|feats=Improved Initiative
|feats2=Iron Will
|feats3=Skill Focus (perception)
|skills=Climb +12
|skills2=Perception +11
|skills3=Swim +4
|racemod=+5 Stealth
|racemod2=+2 Climb
|racemod3=+4 Perception
|lang=Goblin    |lang2=Common    |lang3=Abyssal

|env=cold hills                        |env2=any forest     |env3=any (Plane of Earth)
|org=solitary                          |org2=nest (3-10)    |org3=pair
|treas=NPC Gear (spear, leather armor) |treas2=standard     |treas3=none

|sability='''Superior Two-Weapon Fighting''' Description.