Template:D20M Armor

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Sample Output

PL 5 American Fusion-Powered Tactical Armor (Heavy)

Equipment Bonus +8 Nonprof. Bonus +3
Maximum Dex Bonus +1 Speed (30 ft.) 20 ft.
Armor Penalty -6 Arcane Spell Failure 40%
Purchase DC 20 Restriction Lic (+1)
Weight 20 lb.


The following parameters can be used with the d20M armor template.

Variable Required? Default Description Sample Values
PL Y Error Progress Level of armor, number form only 7, 8, 9+
country N [Blank] Possessive country of origin American, French, Argentine
descriptor N [Blank] Optional extra descriptor of armor Gas-Powered, Army-Issue
type Y Error Type of armor Archaic, Concealable, Impromptu, Tactical
proficiency Y Var Name Type of proficiency required Light, Medium, Heavy, Powered
bonus Y Var Name Armor Bonus +1, +2, +6
nonprof Y Var Name Nonproficient Armor Bonus +1, +2, +3
maxdex Y Var Name Maximum Dexterity bonus +1, +4, +8
speed Y Var Name Speed for a character with 30 ft. move speed 30 ft., 25 ft., 20 ft.
penalty Y Var Name Armor penalty -0, -2, -5
spellfailure N Arcane spell failure chance 5%, 10%, 40%
weight Y Var Name Weight of armor, including units 5 lb., 6 lb., 40 lb.
cost Y Error Purchase DC of armor 8, 19, 34
restriction N Restriction level of armor Lic (+1), Res (+2), Mil (+3), Illegal (+4)
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