Template:City Table

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Power Centers: {{{power}}}
Alignment: {{{align}}}
GP Limit:
Assets: {{{assets}}}
Population: {{{pop}}}
Racial Mix: {{{races}}}
Authorities: {{{auth}}}
Important Characters: {{{imp}}}
Guards: {{{guards}}}

Test Example[edit]

Test City (Small City)
Power Centers: Republic
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
GP Limit: 15,000
Assets: 8,000,000 gp
Population: 5,001
Racial Mix: 5% human, 5% halfling, 5% half-elf, 70% dwarf, 5% elf, 5% other
Authorities: Random NPC, Human Male Exp6 (Governor)
Important Characters: Random NPC, Human male Wiz10 (Wizard's Academy Head)
Guards: None