Template:5e OGC Background

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Makes a 5e OGC Background. All arguments besides name are optional.

Argument Description
name The name of the background.
desc A description of the background.
skills Skills Proficiencies granted by the background.
tools Tool Proficiencies granted by the background.
lang Languages granted by the background.
equip Equipment provided by the background.
specs Specialization
specDesc A description of the specialization.
specN Specialization 1-8. Automatically adjusts for 6 or 8 Specializations. (Replace N with numbers.)
feat The name of the feature provided by the background.
featDesc The details of the background feature.
altFeat The name of the alternative feature provided by the background.
altFeatDesc The details of the alternative background feature.
char Suggested Characteristics (yes/leave blank).
charDesc Description of characteristics.
traits Personality Traits (yes/leave blank).
traitN Personality Traits 1-8. Automatically adjusts for 6 or 8 Traits. (Replace N with numbers.)
ideals Ideals (yes/leave blank).
idealN Ideals 1-8. Automatically adjusts for 6 or 8 Ideals. (Replace N with numbers.)
idealDescN Description for ideals 1-8. (Replace N with numbers.)
alignN The alignment given by the ideals 1-8. (Replace N with numbers.)
bonds Bonds (yes/leave blank).
bondN Bonds 1-8. Automatically adjusts for 6 or 8 Bonds. (Replace N with numbers.)
flaws Flaws (yes/leave blank).
flawN Flaws 1-8. Automatically adjusts for 6 or 8 Flaws. (Replace N with numbers.)
product The product the OGC Background came from.
publisher The publisher of the product.
title The title of the product.
author The author of the product.
base The base of the product.
copyright The year the product was copyrighted.