Tation (Elemental Hybrid) (3.5e Template)

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Tation (Elemental Hybrid)[edit]

Tations, sometimes known as Elemental Hybrids, are living creatures who were infused with elemental essence, and transformed into half-elemental half-living creatures.

There are two types of Tations: Cursed Tations who are created if the infused essence was not infused properly, resulting in permanently mutilated bodies and lack of control over their elemental abilities, and True Tations who are created if the infusion was completely successful. Cursed Tations are occasionally created without intention, when a creature is spontaneously exposed to pure elemental energies. However, this is a rare occurrence; most such incidents simply result in the exposed creature's death.

Creating a Cursed Tation[edit]

Cursed Tation is an inherited/acquired template that can be applied on any living creature (i.e., any creature that is not Undead, Construct or Elemental) (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Cursed Tation uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type is unchanged. They receive the Elemental subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice by 1 level (d4 to d6 etc.), though never beyond d10 unless they were already higher to begin with, in which case they are unchanged.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus decreases by 2. Because of their permanently mutilated bodies, Cursed Tations are sensitive to harm.

Special Attacks: A Cursed Tation retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + Tation’s HD.

Fire Tation

Igniting Touch: At will, a Cursed fire Tation can ignite a flammable object or being, via touch. An ignited object or being suffers 1 point of fire damage per round. The fire can be extinguished as usual.

Earth Tation

Quake: Once per encounter per HD, a Cursed earth Tation can shake the earth in its vicinity. They have to be in contact with the ground to use this. This works similarly to an Earthquake spell, however is limited to 30 feet and all the damage is quartered.

Air Tation

Windblow: Once per encounter per HD, a Cursed air Tation can release a windblow that pushes the target up to 20 feet away. If a target cannot be pushed, for whatever reason, they suffer no damage.

Water Tation

Cloudburst: Once per encounter, a Cursed water Tation can create a tiny focused cloudburst (4 squares), which remains for 2 rounds, and whose exact shape is determined by the Tation. Creatures inside the cloudburst have Concealment (20% miss chance), and also become soaked after 1 round. If the environment is cold enough, the cloudburst becomes a snowstorm or hailstorm.

Special Qualities: An Imperfect Tation retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.

Longevity: Due of their elemental-living hybrid nature, Tations grow old slower than the base creature, providing them with thrice as long lifespan compared to the base creature.

Air Tation

Mutilated Form: The flesh of imperfect air Tations is part-translucent, revealing the bones beneath it. They have a -6 penalty on all Diplomacy checks, but also a +4 bonus on all Intimidate checks.

Earth Tation

Mutilated Form: The flesh of Cursed earth Tations is cracked and moldy. They suffer a -6 penalty on Diplomacy checks, but also gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks.

Fire Tation

Mutilated Form: The flesh of Cursed fire Tations is covered in permanent burn scars. They suffer a -6 penalty on Diplomacy checks, but also gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks.

Water Tation

Mutilated Form: The flesh of Cursed water Tations is covered in pallid scale patches. They suffer a -6 penalty on Diplomacy checks, but also gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks.

Amphibious: Water Tations are able to breathe water as well as air.

Abilities: Adjust the base creature's abilities as follows: Dexterity +2, Charisma -4, -2 Comeliness.

Feats: Cursed Tations receive the feats Alertness, Dodge and Iron Will, even if the base creature does not meet their prerequisites.

Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.

Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3-6). Non-sentient only: group (7-12), horde (13-24) or clan (25+).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.

Alignment: Any.

Advancement: By HD or by class, whichever is quicker.

Level Adjustment: Either +0 or +1 (depends on the campaign world and the DM)

Creating a TrueTation[edit]

True Tation is an inherited/acquired template that can be applied on any living creature (i.e., any creature that is not undead, construct or elemental) (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A True Tation uses all the base creature’s statistics, abilities and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type is unchanged. They receive the Elemental subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice by 2 levels (d4 to d8, d6 to d10, etc.) up to d20.

Speed: Increase all the speeds of the base creature by 50% (rounded up). If the base creature has flight speed, increase the maneuverability by 1 level.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +4. True Tations are particularly tough and don't get injured easily.

Special Attacks: A True Tation retains all the special attacks of the base creature and receives those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + Tation’s HD + Cha modifier.

Air Tation

Windblow: At will, a True air Tation can release a windblow that pushes the target up to 60 feet away. If a target cannot be pushed, for whatever reason, they either suffer no damage or suffer 1d4 points of damage (as per the Tation's decision).

Earth Tation

Quake: At will, a True earth Tation can shake the earth in the area; they have to be in contact with the ground to use this. This works similarly to an Earthquake spell but is limited to 60 feet per HD.

Fire Tation

Igniting Touch:At will, a True fire Tation can ignite a flammable object or being, via contact. An ignited object or being suffers 1d4 points of fire damage per round. The fire can be extinguished as usual.

Water Tation

Cloudburst: Once per encounter per HD, a True water Tation can create a tiny focused cloudburst (12 squares), which remains for 6 rounds and whose exact shape is determined by the Tation. Creatures inside the cloudburst have Concealment (20% miss chance) and become soaked after 1 round. If the environment is cold enough, the cloudburst becomes a snowstorm or hailstorm.

Special Qualities: A True Tation retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.

Healing Factor: True Tations have fast healing 1, and restore 1 point of ability damage per minute and 1 point of drained ability per hour. In addition, they cannot receive any natural defect to their senses and are immune to all nonmagical diseases and poisons.

Longevity: Due of their elemental-living hybrid nature, Tations grow old slower than the base creature, providing them with thrice as long lifespan compared to the base creature.

Air Tation

Aerokinesis: True air Tations can manipulate air and winds in their vicinity.

Free Spirit: True air Tations are immune to electricity and have resistance 10 to acid.

Flying: True air Tations have flight speed (perfect maneuverability) equal to twice their base land speed.

Earth Tation

Geokinesis: True earth Tations can manipulate dirt, rocks, and earth in their vicinity.

Diamond Heart: True earth Tations are immune to acid and have resistance 10 to electricity.

Digging: True earth Tations have burrowing speed equal to their land speed. They can burrow in any direction they desire, and can leave a tunnel behind them if they so desire.

Fire Tation

Pyrokinesis: True fire Tations can produce fire and control fire in their vicinity.

Innate Flame: True fire Tations are immune to fire and have resistance 10 to cold.

Flaming: As a standard action, True fire Tations can teleport up to 30 feet per HD. They disappear/reappear in a flaming burst, which, if they so desire, can inflict 1d4 points of fire damage.

Water Tation

Hydrokinesis: True water Tations can control water in their vicinity.

Innate Fountain: True water Tations are immune to cold and have resistance 10 to fire.

Swimming: True water Tations have swimming speed equal to twice their base land speed. They can take 10 on all Swim checks, even if they are distracted or threatened.

Amphibious: Water Tations are able to breathe water as well as air.

Abilities: Increase the base creature's abilities as follows: Strength +6, Dexterity +2, Constitution +4, Charisma +4, +2 Comeliness.

Skills: True Tations gain an additional +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Gather Information checks, and an additional +2 bonus on all other checks.

Feats: True Tations receive the feats Alertness, Dodge, Endurance, Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes, even if the base creature doesn't meet their prerequisites.

Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.

Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3-6). Non-sentient only: group (7-12), horde (13-24) or clan (25+).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.

Alignment: Any.

Advancement: By HD or by class, whichever is appropriate.

Level Adjustment: Either +2 or +3 (depends on the campaign world and the DM)

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