Tarnish Cantrip (3.5e Spell)

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Evocation [Tarnishes an Object]
Level: Bard 0 Sor 0 Wiz 0 Clr 0
Components: S
Casting time: 1 Swift Action
Range: 25 Feet
Target: 1 Object
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes

Tarnish can be employed on any metal-including gold, silver, bronze, brass, or copper-to diminish the luster of the item covering them with an unsightly patina, and can be employed on substances with only traces of metal in their composition. Up to 10 lbs of metal can be tarnished with each casting. Once Tarnished the patina remains until cleaned.

Author's Note This is a 3.5e version of the 2e cantrip https://adnd2e.fandom.com/wiki/Tarnish_(Cantrip)

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