Talpoidan Bronze (3.5e Equipment)

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Talpoidan Bronze[edit]

This very rare alloy was created by the talpoida race as an alternative to iron underwater, as a stronger and more wear resistant version of bronze, that also doesn't corrode. It is stronger than steel, but much heavier, meaning that anyone not proficient in weapons made from this material will have to treat the item as if it were an exotic weapon, with any item made from it weighing one and a half times as much. Due to the weight of the material, heavy armor cannot be fashioned from it, unless it is made for a creature with a size category of large or higher. Due to the unusual craftsmanship and availability of this metal outside of talpoidan culture, it is incredibly expensive. The bronze is however incredibly hard, allowing to bypass any hardness less than 15 on a sunder attack. Items without metal parts cannot be made from talpoidan bronze. An arrow could be made of bronze, but a quarterstaff could not.

Only weapons, armor, and shields normally made of metal can be fashioned from talpoidan bronze. Weapons, armor and shields normally made of steel that are made of talpoidan bronze have one and a half times as many hit points than normal. Talpoidan bronze has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.

Type of Adamantine Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +30 gp
Light armor +2,500 gp
Medium armor +5,000 gp
Heavy armor *
Shield +1,000 gp
Weapon +3,000 gp
See Also[edit]

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