Talk:Wyvernling (5e Race)
Lore problems[edit]
This really needs to be fleshed out because as of right now it lacks substantial Fluff. While it can be regarded by some as useless information it has a significant impact on how your content is used by players. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help. History, Society, and Names all need more work and conceptually needs to actually be plausible. How does a near-mindless being of primordial matter fuse/mate/reproduce with a wyvern and how does that even produce an offspring?
I completely agree, I've updated the lore and background of these creatures immensely, as well as made it make sense in the slightest, thank you for your input. -Apothose (talk)
Balance issues[edit]
The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague. There is no gliding speed, this needs to be detailed. Minute counting? The natural weapon does an easily abusable amount of damage. There are no ice or lightning elementals within standard dnd so why would there be subraces for them if the race is "born" by such a union? I'd recommend sticking to the 4 main elements and then doing the quasi-elemental planes if you have time afterward. Flat bonuses to Armor Class should be avoided. All subraces spells should be of an equivalent level or of at least a comparable power level. Flight at first level with a plethora of other benefits. Overall requires more work both from a mechanical and lore perspective to better integrate with the first party content. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help and see the Featured Articles pages for some exemplary content.
You're right, I've removed that as well as added a flying speed of very little, as flying speeds at low level are quite over powered, I reduced the damage of the natural weapon as well ass its effects, also I removed all the subclasses and removed the lore of being crossed with elementals entirely. I have the plan of adding subraces again just ones that make sense and probably less of them. I also lowed the ability score improvements of the race and hopped it would balance things out. Thank you for your suggestions and I hope this improved it in you eyes! -Apothose (talk)
- This is an improvement yes but I think you nerfed it too much, the "flight" can be upped to 30 feet and given the stinger is a natural weapon it shouldn't auto proc a saving throw on a hit. Instead, do what they did with the lizardfolk and make the poison like their hungry jaw ability. So they can as a bonus action strike with their natural tail, and then inflict the poisoned condition. Though I'd be careful since the poisoned condition is brutal in a fight. —ConcealedLight (talk) 14:09, 21 February 2019 (MST)
Stinger is worded poorly and is questionable in use. This can be fixed as per the talk. Lacking by comparison, try adding minor version of the Wyverns abilities here to lessen the gap.
- I did my best to reword and remake the ability so its more fair. and threw in dark vision to "lesson the gap". Apothose (talk) 10:10, 23 February 2019 (MST)
Grammar Issues[edit]
a number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague. Consult similar first party traits for the correct wording.
I can't exactly find what all may be wrong, I've gone through the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize guide, and fixed what I can however specifics may be of help if you find anything else. Again it makes it much easier if you bring these up in the discussion box, especially for me to reply and fix the issue, and thanks. Apothose (talk) 17:29, 22 February 2019 (MST)
Ability Scores[edit]
One of the things I want this race to have in favor for it is a or dexterous race. Dragonborn have the strength side of Wyrms covered, Ya know? Apothose (talk) 13:31, 24 February 2019 (MST)
- ok. —ConcealedLight (talk) 08:12, 25 February 2019 (MST)
Glide speed[edit]
This race's glide mechanic looks like it can be represented much better with a use of the Glide Speed variant rule. Tazerbot3000 (talk) 15:09, 14 November 2019 (MST)