Talk:Windborne Weapon (4e Feat)

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The idea of a small creature wielding a two-handed sword is epic, but likely unbalanced at this tier. Instead of shutting it down entirely, maybe it could become a minor sustained Encounter Utility power that replaces a Power in the characters growth. Have you found any sanctioned feats that compare in power to this one?

I think keeping it sustained is a good idea, but with no need to make it an encounter power (i.e. they can stop for a turn if they can't afford the sustain, but then keep going). The reason I don't consider it particularly powerful is that other races have access to 2H weapons for free. Unlike many small races, the Avern don't receive many small-specific benefits. Thus they have to spend a feat to access weapons most characters have anyway, and even then they can't use superior 2H weapons until Paragon. --Samthere (talk) 07:33, 9 February 2016 (MST)