Talk:War Griffon (5e Creature)

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I came in here to see if I could help with that table not appearing, but it appears to be just fine. What's unfinished on this page? It looks to be ready to play, to me. --Kydo (talk)

The base CR needs adjusting, and XP values adding to the barding table. Could also do with a bit of description (such as, I guess, what kind of cultures/races train them and how they are used) Marasmusine (talk) 02:30, 17 October 2015 (MDT)

Calculating CR[edit]

  • Hit points: 85 hp (CR 1).
  • AC 13. This is no difference from the expected AC.
  • Defensive Challenge Rating: (CR 1)
  • Best average damage for one round is 19 (with a beak and claw). So we factor that in by taking the average over three rounds. Plus, the Dive Attack bonus to damage. (26 + 19 + 19) ÷ 3 = (19). This gives us an OCR of 2 and an expected attack bonus of +4.
  • The actual attack bonus is +4.
  • Offensive Challenge Rating: (CR 2)
  • Final CR is (1 + 2)÷2 = (1.5) so we can say (CR 2)