Talk:Walking Fortress (3.5 Base)

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Some problems: a Walking Fortress quickly becomes unkillable (to the tune of 50+ HP at level 2 and AC of at least 20 at level 1) at low levels but doesn't have all that many options to contribute in fights. This problem gets progressively more intense as time goes on - at later levels he's very difficult to keep down but can't do a thing to stop his enemies from just focusing down his allies (who can actually do damage/SoDs/etc.) and leaving him alone.

Some more in-depth criticism:

" for the purpose of gaining mods and buffs and like wise debuffs"

Means...nothing. There are no "mods", "buffs" or "Debuffs" in DnD rules. If you explain precisely what you mean with these, someone who knows the rules lingo can probably put in the "proper" terms for those things.

"cannot be [...] disintegrated" is redundant; if I Disintegrate something and it's destroyed, it's destroyed.

Bulwark gives an untyped bonus to AC, but Greater Bulwark gives a Natural Armor bonus. Did you mean for Bulwark to give Natural Armor?

Bonus Feats: With this I mean Epic Toughness, etc. Technically the Walking Fortress doesn't get any of these feats, as you left out the "even if he does not meet the prerequisites" bit that would let him take those pre-epic.

Anchored: I would include trip, as-is he can just get trip-locked without issue.

The Fortress: What type of ability is this? What's the activation action?

Also, doubling your AC (and therefore gaining a significant offensive bonus) is a very all-or-nothing ability to have ready for every fight - either it can be killed by smacking it with a sword and attacks you (and you can solo it) or it isn't and you're useless.

All in all, this class suffers from a problem many "tanks" have: they can't. Without some sort of "attack me, not him" mechanic, all he can do to protect others is give them his tower shields (I imagine few people will be happy when they suddenly get -10 ACP and 50% ASF chance) and try to stand between a monster and the others. Intelligent creatures will probably just avoid him (often via flight) to go straight for the rest of the party.

It's a very binary class - either you're absurdly OP because the fight is about AC and attack rolls and HP, or you are useless because it isn't.

--Scarge (talk) 00:28, 27 April 2013 (MDT)

Apparently I need to be a bit more concise with exactly what is wrong with this class. The attempt here is to make a spell immune, unhitable, impossible to kill monstrosity. First no base class should offer anywhere near as much natural armor as you are proposing (somehow this whatever is better armored than a dragon standing around in his skivvies?) and tries to buff his hp and AC to ungodly levels. If you want to make someone mobile and a tank there are plenty of ways to do this without breaking the character six ways from Sunday. Example: Character gains some armor benefits, shield other, a shield other that includes spell effects, SR that makes sense, and maybe a passive bonus to saves on top of the good saving throws. You can even give him an ability that increases max dex by 1 every four levels and adds a damage bonus of 1/4 his AC to his attack rolls if you want to be really crazy but the current setup makes no sense. You are essentially trying to make a psionic kineticist that focuses on shields and fails to provide his team mates with any significant defense. If you want to play a tank you have to have a way to take damage from other players, not assume that every monster is stupid enough to slug it out toe to toe with something they cannot hit. Tivanir (Speak to me) (talk) 08:08, 27 April 2013 (MDT)
Also epic feats per epic levels are a terrible idea. Tivanir (Speak to me) (talk) 08:10, 27 April 2013 (MDT)
Ok I need to put this in writing for the full effect to give you an idea on how overpowered this class truly is. This is what you have at 20 before feats: +300 hp, fast healing 50, natural AC of +12, 6 free adamantite +5 shields ( that's the equivalence of more than half of the total money you should earn by 20), spell deflection (which isn't explained on how it works it just does), huge saves, the ability to double his AC for every encounter (and for enough rounds it will never run out before the encounter ends), and I am willing to wager a misconception that somehow they get to add up all the shields for their AC every turn. This thing needs severe correction - it's so bad I am almost willing to tag it for deletion. This wouldn't even be allowed in a races of war campaign. It is that overpowered. Tivanir (Speak to me) (talk) 13:25, 27 April 2013 (MDT)
Little or no description + awful mechanics = tag for deletion, per this concensus. Marasmusine (talk) 14:31, 27 April 2013 (MDT)