Talk:The Chosen One (5e Background)

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The premise behind this background:

  • Based on taking a gamble- the DM is encouraged to lie and keep secrets from you.
  • Inspired by the trust game, where one person falls backward and the other catches them. When you take this background, you're the falling guy and the DM is the catcher.
I don't like this background. It takes some of the control out of the player's hands. -- 14:25, 22 October 2016 (MDT)
That's fair, it's pretty much the whole point of the thing! XD It's kind of a response to all of the poorly made "choose whatever you want" backgrounds people keep trying to make. Those don't work because they have excessive option power which is out of the hands of the DM to regulate without imposing rule 0. This one DOES let your character have pretty much any combination of skills, languages, and tool proficiencies- at the complete and total discretion of the DM. It is supposed to be both attractive and terrifying at once, kind of like actually being the "chosen one", though nowhere near as extreme. --Kydo (talk) 15:20, 22 October 2016 (MDT)