Talk:Spellshooting Swordmage (4e Optimized Character Build)

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Hybrid rules do not allow for Impenetrable Warding at lv10 since Channeling Shield was taken at lv2 and no other Wizard utility was taken at lv6. House ruling does allow for it, however.--AlastorSheeld (talk) 10:10, 21 October 2013 (MDT)

You're absolutely right. Changed it. Itaav ( 21:15 21 okt 2013 CEST

What encounter power do you recommend to chosen with the lv14 feat? Also, since this is a hybrid wizard it can only wear cloth armor so scale and plate armor need a feat to be worn. Lv18 feat Pervasive Light is for divine classes only.--AlastorSheeld (talk) 09:14, 23 October 2013 (MDT)

The proficiency with scale armor, as well as qualifying for divine feats, is covered by the feat you take at level 4, divine healer. I am aware that there is a debate going whether or not you can take battle clerics lore with it, but my interpretation of the rules is that you can. I recommend Puckish Sprite for the swapped power, because it helps you dropping massive to-hit penalties on enemies.