Talk:Sorcerous Knight, Variant (5e Subclass)

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Hello. I took the liberty of correcting the spell slots for this archetype because they do not correspond to any standard. Or else I don't know him. I know the standards: third, half and full. Can I be informed? And why not choose third or half?

I messed up here. I thought it was a third-caster and you were buffing it, so I undid the spell slots. Looking back, I realized I messed up. This subclass was weird, and deviated from fighter subclass standards significantly. No subclass should be a half-caster, and this should have been a third-caster. In addition, it had a bunch of extra features that shouldn't have been there. I went in and corrected all the features, as well as nerfed it. You were actually standardizing it for a half-caster, but it shouldn't have been a half-caster in the first place. I'm sorry about saying it "wasn't standard"- it was standard for a half-caster, but this being a half-caster wasn't standard, and I got a bit confused while looking at the code. My bad. --MarshDASavage (talk) 12:23, 14 February 2022 (MST)
Thanks, I understand better. It's true that some bonuses or abilities came out of nowhere. -- Yengels 15:41, 18 February 2022 (MST)
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