Talk:Songmaiden of Selune (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Rating - 8/10[edit]

This is an excellent class, with a good "feel" to it, and mostly good mechanics. My only concern is that it might be a tad overpowered. Assuming a character takes it at 8th, she's running one level behind a straight Cleric in terms of access to higher-level spells (5th level spells at 10th, 6th level spells at 12th, etc) and suffers from a limited spells-known selection: but she only needs 3 levels of Cleric and 1 level of Bard to qualify (allowing 3 more levels of whatever to be squeezed in for free). Furthermore, the spell table consists of most of the best spells available to the Cleric and the Bard, and I'm somewhat concerned by Otto's Irresistible Dance. This is an 8th level spell for Sorcerers and Wizards, making it available at 16th or 15th level respectively. It's only 6th level for Bards, but Bards don't get 6th level spells until 16th level. Leaving it at 6th for the Songmaiden of Selune makes it available at 12th level, and the Songmaiden can cast 3 of them by 15th level. I suggest raising it to 7th level. Maybe Divine Power and Righteous Might can be dropped too, as they probably shouldn't have the martial potential of the Cleric (which is way ahead of the Bard). Meanwhile, I'll rate this class as 6/10: not grossly unbalanced, and at least they have d6 hitdice and only one good save, and a more restricted skill set than the Bard. --Findail 04:56, 22 December 2006 (MST)

Would you like to fix this up, and make it balanced by the ways you said above? --Green Dragon 09:43, 22 December 2006 (MST)
I was reluctant to alter someone else's class, but as the creator doesn't seem to be around... OK. I'll make the suggested changes to the spells and bump up the rating I've given it. --Findail 05:18, 5 January 2007 (MST)
Okay. --Green Dragon 15:16, 5 January 2007 (MST)
Good catch on the Dance. That managed to get through a WotC discussion thread and an UnCon contest without being pointed out by anyone. --Solik 14:00, 25 January 2007 (MST)
You like it more now, than? The Change is okay with you? --Green Dragon 16:46, 25 January 2007 (MST)
Yeah, the change is fine, and I updated the one on the WotC boards to mimic it. I think the class could probably use a few more spells, maybe taken from some other splats, but I think any group that uses it can handle that on its own with whatever books they happen to have. Any remaining issues keeping the balance score at an 8? --Solik 11:54, 1 February 2007 (MST)
8 is exceptional. To get an 8 means that the PrC is as good as published material however it does not strikes out in a completely new direction and make people go "wow - Amazing". Getting an 8 is very very good seeing that a 10 has never been given out by a serious rater on D&D Wiki (2 10's have been given out on D&D Wiki; one by an anonymous IP and one by the person that made the PrC in question). Getting an 8 means you did everything right. --Green Dragon 21:18, 1 February 2007 (MST)