Talk:Shadow (5e Class)
I've spotted some errors in this class' features:
In the lvl 1 'Merge' feature is not specified how much hp the character has after leaving their host. Maybe they leave with the same hp they had when they merged?
-Here's a personal wonder: can you sleep while merged? In other words, can you stay unconscious while merged?
-Another wonder: How long can you stay merged? An undefined amount of time until you are kicked out? If it stays like that while you can't heal/add temporary hp, it's okay.
-Another wonder: If you increase the dexterity modifier of the creature you are merged with, wouldn't it increase their AC in some occasions? If it did so, then the lvl 5 'Hardened Defences' feature would be unbalanced. Specify how it works, pls.
-Another wonder: When you use the 'Overthrow' feature (which is the 'Merge' feature but for unwilling creatures) and the unwilling creature rolls the int save, does it get your inteligence modifier? Because that doesn't sound right.
-Some thing I want to remark: Regaining all merge points with just a short rest seems a bit overpowered. A way to fix it could be regaining 1 merge point after a short rest instead of all.
The lvl 2 'Enhanced Strike' feature states that you can add a 1d4 of damage "on all damage rolls" of the host. Does it mean all damage rolls while you are merged or all damage rolls on their next turn (good for those who have extra attacks)? Specify how it works, pls.
The lvl 3 'Learned Manipulator' feature of the Supremacy Aspect doesn't make sense. It changes your proficiency modifier for half your shadow lvl when deciding the int DC save, which only starts making sense at lvl 7. Maybe it meant to say that you can add half your shadow lvl to the DC, fix it, pls.
The lvl 9 'Lingering Shadow' feature doesn't make sense. It increases the temporary hp the character adds to the creature they are merged with from half your max hp to full max hp, but it is already stated in the lvl 1 'Merge' feature that the character adds all their max hp.
The feature needing a rework is 'Lingering shadow', because nerfing the 'Merge' feature as said in the 'Lingering shadow' feature for an already low health character would effectively make the feature almost useless at low levels.
There is no lvl 11 aspect feature as stated in the class table. Leaving it empty. It would be a waste to leave it like that.
The lvl 13 'Lethal Shadow' feature seems a bit overpowered, it transforms the normal 5% of getting a Crit to a 15%. However, this is a high level feature and it only increases the crit range, so I don't know what could be done with this feature.
The lvl 14 'Keen Eyes' feature seems totally underpowered. After getting the 'Lethal Shadow' feature, this feature has a high cost and the benefit isn't that great.
If I had to fix all this errors I would do this:
- For the 'Merge' feature:
-I would let that the character can stay as long as they want merged, but I wouldn't allow them to be able to sleep or stay unconscious while merged. That way it would be more practical for both the player and the DM, so they don't have to keep track of how long they stayed merged while making sure the character needs to unmerge so they don't get sleep deprivation. Furthermore, the unability of healing or adding temporary HP encourages the player to think if unmerging and merging again to regain the temporary HP could be an option.
-I wouldn`t allow the AC of the host to increase via the increase of the dexterity modifier, how it is right now is okay, it wouldn`t get in the way of the 'Hardened defences' feature.
-I would make the character be kicked out ot the host with half the HP that they had when they merged if they are kicked out via attacks. This way the player could consider unmerging in order to not lose half their HP.
-I would change how many merge points you get from a short rest from all to one.
- For the 'Overthrow' feature:
-I would make a difference between the unwilling host and the character. The character gets all the buffs as stated in the 'Merge' feature, unlike the unwilling host which gains no buffs (this would be in order to make the unwilling host roll the int save with their own inteligence modifier).
- For the 'Enhanced Strike' feature:
-One idea could be specifing that the +Xd4 of damage would be aplied on all the damage rolls on the host's next turn, because otherwise that extra damage would become godly at higher level, where 5 HP isn`t that big of a deal in order to get +Xd4 until the character unmerges. Also, characters with extra attacks could benefit more than characters that don't.
-Another idea could be rethinking or reworking the whole feature in order to get +X damage as long as the merge continues.
- For the 'Learned Manipulator' aspect feature:
-I would change the int save from "8 + half your Character level + your wisdom modifier" to "8 + your proficiency modifier + your wisdom modifier + your shadow level/3", so it increases the DC by one inmediately as you get the feature and the DC increases as you progress but making sure it doesn't grow insanely fast nor it is able to grow till it reaches a minimun of 18 inteligence DC.
- For the 'Lingering Shadow' feature:
-I would get rid of this feature, in its place I would put the 'Swift Strike' feature and think about another feature for the now empty lvl 18.
- I would add an aspect feature for lvl 11 or just a normal feature for that empty lvl.
- For the 'Lethal Shadow' feature:
-MAYBE I would reduce the crit range from 18-20 to 19-20, but then the feature could get underpowered.
- For the 'Keen Eyes' feature:
-I would remove the 10 HP cost, and MAYBE give the feature another buff.