Talk:Scar Caster (5e Subclass)

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Hello, fellow wikian, I just skimmed through the Scar Caster archetype, and I find deep interest in this one. Maybe because I recently reworked a class with similar gimmicks. If you do not mind, here are some parts I would like you to consider with scar caster:

  • Enduring Arcane Expert: Original Version. Expertise feature on Arcana sounds awesome, I suggest jsut giving proficiency in Arcana and double your proficiency bonus. I understand the gimmick is the wizard becomes more resilient to pain and all, but adding saving throws might be a bit too powerful. Note that the rogue's Slippery Mind feature is unlocked at 15th level.
  • Enduring Arcane Expert: Balanced Version. Yup, this sounds more balanced, although from what I know, there are three abilities that frequently ask saving throw, and it is Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. (They were the only abilities that ask you for saving throws back in 3.5rd.) So I suggest replacing Wisdom instead of Intelligence would be more like it. Although I think this plus skill proficiency bonus would still be balanced, considered that you have only two saving throw proficiency with this one.
  • Scar Casting. Yes, 2 unresistible and unavoidable damager per spell level would be much more balanced. One thing, though, that the RAW is rather vague concerning on which level does the damage scale: the original spell level, or the increased spell level? Also, there must be a limit to the spell level increase, or I will be spamming 3rd-level burning hands from the 1st level or so. Another thing is that the spell cast this way must have a limit, say, you cannot cast spells of 6th level or higher, or I will be spamming a freakin' wish at a cost of 18 hit points, which is too cheap for a 9th-level spell.
  • Scar-Storing. So If I manage to get myself 20 Constitution at 6th level I can cast five 1st-level spell with this, but if I slacked of and remains 10 Constitutions I can cast only one, right? I suggest having a fixed amount would do, because the feature kind of forces you to increase Constitution, which is not exactly encouraged in 5th edition. (Although you can have two increases per each ablility score increase, the total amount is rather downgraded, and magic items are even rarer than ever.) Alternately, I suggest preparing spells per short rest or long rest would do. Short rest sounds nice, for it could provide you extra spells even when you cannot take a long rest, but at the cost of hit points.
  • Practiced with Pain. I still think that the hit point damage is a bit low, and therefore halving that would be too broken.
  • Scar Shielding. Notice how wizards rarely get any saving throw bonus? That, as far as I see it, is mainly because they can cast most of the spells in the game, which is a strong feature, so in return they are squishy themselves. I suggest casting higher-level spells at a cost of immense hit point damage per long rest, tweaking a bit of the warlock's Mystic Arcanum feature.

Oh, and the damage needs damage type, even if it cannot be resisted or prevented. See Overchannel feature from the wizard's evocation school.

Other than that, I think the gimmick is awesome. Power at a price, casting from HP... exactly what I love. I am counting on this one, fellow wikian! --WeirdoWhoever (talk) 01:08, 10 February 2017 (MST)


I believe the image on this page is from The Shannara Chronicles. --Pimplup (talk) 11:16, 14 April 2020 (MDT)