Talk:Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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Hello, im playing a campaing of DBZ with friends and i'm doing some works on my own side to the class/Races (just for me and friends) and i think it would be interesting that the Legendary Saiyan would be a sub-race of the Saiyan Race (maybe even add things like Low Class and Royalty, but that would hard to balance in pretty sure), but the only thing the Legendary Saiyan would get, its that the Rage State could be used as a Base Form (like the Ikari Form of Super Broly) and he cold get as a Basic Technique. It would make in lore, and i believe as some races get transformations very early on, this would not be unbalaced (maybe you could give that the Legendary Cant become Oozaru or something in thoses lines), anyway i thank yall for making this amazing Campaing Setting and im very excited to the future of it!


Ikari: The Legendary Saiyan have a power that drives him wild, the Rage Form count as a Basic Technique and Base instead of Form, but the Bloodlust condition can be only erased by Grades 5 or 6.

Royal Techniques: The Roalty of Saiyans have Techniques that are trade marks, Galick Gun Technique count as a Fundamental for the Royal Saiyan.

Low Class Hardwork: As a Low Class Saiyan you need to push yourself to maximum everyday, making your Techniques Maximum limite increases by 1

- By Midalos

Hello Midalos, I'm glad that you're enjoying the setting! Many hands went into shaping what this is today, and it really holds a close place in my heart due to the memories I've been able to make with it and the spirit of collaboration and teamwork in contributing to one project in the wiki with others. So it's encouraging and reassuring to hear that someone else is also having fun with it (since after all, it has gotten a little quiet over time as things rounded up into completion).
Now, about your suggestions, I think your idea about the Ikari form is brilliant. Since, in the source material itself, it's said to be the power of the Oozaru state utilized without increasing your size and turning into an ape, I think a good way to do this would be to make it a feature to access the transformation that the Oozaru feature grants even after losing one's tail or something along those lines. Something I should mention about the Oozaru feature, which is not really explained RAW but I do in the campaigns I DM, is making it so the Oozaru feature does not really count as a Base or Form technique, but just something that activates whenever its requirements are met. This allows it to be stacked with other forms, such as Super Saiyan, as you've mentioned. Making it Base Form should be good enough to allow for this effect, so I'll get to writing that out and adding the Ikari Form. If you really want to get the Super Broly experience, then you should look at the mutant feat and the Super Saiyan C & A types. You can flavor those to be any kind of mutated form of Super Saiyan, which they essentially are, whether the ones in the Z movies or in Super.
Lastly, for your suggestion about Low Class and Royalty, I don't think that there is a need to make such a distinction between them, as in truth the only difference they had was in power level and possibly training. This isn't something inherently different to make it a racial trait and can already be represented by a difference in levels, stats, and techniques known. As you can see from the Bestiary, High Class Saiyans are fairly stronger and have access to more advanced techniques, 'Full Powered Ki Wave' being a reflavored Galick Gun, which Low Class Saiyans don't have. P@uL (talk) 16:22, 23 June 2024 (MDT)
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