Talk:Ring of Sirens (5e Equipment)

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Minor Fixes[edit]

This item looks pretty good and just needed a few touch up here and there like adding a duration to the siren's song property, clarifying who exactly siren's attraction can affect, and changing how the item regains use of siren's song property sing magic item's are enchanted via their own magic and don't gain their powers through the attuned player.--Blobby383b (talk) 01:22, 5 January 2020 (MST)

Thank you, Blobby! I actually think it's better like that, and I will attempt to use the changes that you made in future articles I write. I hope that you keep doing what you're doing on this site. --Flamestarter (talk) 07:53, 11 January 2020 (MST)
Glad you like the changes and learned a few of the smaller details about making items. Besides that, thanks for the encouragement, I will try to keep providing advice and fixing small issues I see. Gl with your future brews as well.--Blobby383b (talk) 12:17, 11 January 2020 (MST)
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