Talk:Races of War (DnD Other)/Unusual Races

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I Praise You![edit]

I've always thought that the half-orcs', and even a full Orcs', penalty to intelligence, though sometimes fun to role play, was wrong. Orcs aren't babbling idiots with heavy sticks. They are a combative "unhonorable" military race with a love for conflict. The reason that they usually lose their wars isn't because of a lack of strength(obviously)or a lack of military strategy or intelligence, but because of their lack of "honor", which makes most of the high-level heroes tend to lean against them. I've also thought that the Charisma penalty was a bit off. The fact that orcs have problems fitting in with society isn't because of an inborn anti-socialism, but because they aren't trusted by the people in society. This means that during social interactions, if someone has a problems with the race of the character, they should get a bonus to their Sense Movie checks Etc. Being hated by everyone shouldn't affect one's ability to cast sorcerer spells. Good show. --tug 11:15, 15 March 2009 (MDT)