Talk:Purse Blind (3.5e Flaw)

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Get someone else to do the buying and selling = free feat! Marasmusine (talk) 03:49, 2 July 2017 (MDT)

Good point. I didn't think of that, because this was a flaw I used for a single character campaign. What about adding a pay-ineptitude quality that makes any money earned from Profession skills halfed, and possibly a -2 to the Search skill when money can be found in the search? - Jety Lefr - 17:19, 4 July 2017 (ET)

A flaw should effect a statistic that most characters will use at least infrequently.
There are characters who don't have Profession and will never use Profession.
Whereas, yes, Search is something everyone is likely to do sometimes. However, as soon as the DM says "you have a -2 penalty", then they know money can be found.
Having a flaw based around money is risky because there might be huge sections of adventure in which no coins change hands (I'd say a typical game would be 90% exploring a dungeon and 10% doing stuff in towns?). That's why the UA flaws all deal with commonly used skills or combat statistics. Marasmusine (talk) 15:31, 4 July 2017 (MDT)
My games are evidently very atypical, but I'm okay with that. I emphasize character roleplay and the more difficult their flaws and failings are to work with the more fun it is for me. If this flaw isn't suited for typical adventure settings, then I'm happy to have it be removed or put in the "needs improvement" area. - Jety Lefr - 19:50, 4 July 2017 (ET)