Talk:Plumber (5e Class)

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I believe I've fixed everything that was an issue for balance -Ravenboy9

Well, let's see.
  • Still has two dead levels
  • Super Jump attack still not explained and in fact makes less sense now (1d10 as an attack roll?). If you need some kind of clue as to how this should look, try something like "You can use your action to make a super jump. Make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. The attack bonus is your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a hit, you deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. In addition, on a hit, if there is another creature within 5 feet of the first, you may use a bonus action to repeat the super jump attack against that creature." If you read through the Player's Handbook it's not hard to see how to word things.
  • Warp Pipe still not fully explained. Is this a physical thing that's actually appearing, or is it just a descriptive way of making a teleport (basically like misty step)? If it's the former, it should say how long the pipes hang around for. Don't halve the movement as this is inconsistent. Also, since line of sight is not needed, you can use warp pipe to bypass walls, which is not expected at such a low level.
  • Enhanced Warp is not mechanically clear, mainly because things are not presented in the correct order. Let me try and get this right: You use warp pipe to teleport up to 30 feet. Then we choose "2d4 targets all within the same 10 feet square". Then each target makes a saving throw. Then they are teleported. Given this, it is still not clear what creatures can be targeted (the same "10 feet square" as what?), the DC calculation is incorrect, it doesn't specify that the teleport occurs if they fail the saving throw, and it doesn't say where they are teleported to.
  • "Get the Jump On ‘em" doesn't say what the proficiency bonus is being added to. If its the attack roll, this is not needed per my above suggestion.
  • Power Ups doesn't explain what the power ups are. 5th edition doesn't have "free actions". It doesn't say how you throw a power up. If taking damage breaks the power up, you should probably just use the concentration rules.
  • I'm only just getting started on the mechanical problems, and I haven't even looked at the overall balance. Marasmusine (talk) 02:52, 28 May 2019 (MDT)

Seeing as though this page has been abandoned for over half a year now, I have plans for completely rewriting it. The goal is to make the class like a fighter with half-casting abilities, while putting as many references from the Super Mario franchise as possible.

I'll take any and all criticism with open arms. After all, this is my first time making a class. TheTuxAdventurer005 (talk) 10:03, 10 June 2021 (MDT)