Talk:Pinpoint Swordsman (3.5e Class)
What if someone have already the dodge feat?
Overall, a very well balanced class.[edit]
Power - <<<5>>>/5 I give this class a <<<5>>> out of 5 because <<<this class has a well balanced system, but needs adjustment for the higher dexterity levels. This class becomes almost impossible to hit if their dexterity is around twenty.>>> --Sento 22:55, 5 May 2012 (MDT)
Wording - <<<3>>>/5 I give this class a <<<3>>> out of 5 because <<<this class needs a little adjustment to wording, as my players had a few issues interpreting the defense bonus, along with a few discrepancies in the abilities.>>> --Sento 22:55, 5 May 2012 (MDT)
Formatting - <<<5>>>/5 I give this class a <<<5>>> out of 5 because <<>> --Sento 22:55, 5 May 2012 (MDT)
Flavor - <<<5>>>/5 I give this class a <<<5>>> out of 5 because <<<this class, although deceptively plain flavor wise, is actually awesome. the class itself is very versatile, and can be molded to almost any campaign, even going as far as d20 modern. This class is very good for an active NPC,(if you want them there, but not to kill stuff) since they can defect blows. >>> --Sento 22:55, 5 May 2012 (MDT)