Talk:Oath of Wild Magic (5e Subclass)
It didn't occur to me that Chaotic Smite would be overpowered. An extra 1d8 didn't seem like much, but I guess a wild magic surge isn't much of a cost/deterrent to use and it had no other cost. So I see the concern.
I suspect something as simple as requiring your reaction to add the damage would help (after all, 1d8 could easily be dealt with an opportunity attack). It's still guaranteed damage, though, so maybe that's where the biggest problem lies.
So I've edited it to be splash damage to adjacent creatures (considered exception for friendly fire, but I didn't include that) with a save and a random consequence, one being a wild magic surge. And limited it to pbtpd I thought the consequence put a bit more _chaos_ in the chaotic smite than it had before anyway. I'm happy to consider alternatives to the consequences I picked; they could stand to be more magical in nature.