Talk:Move (PSR Supplement)

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Armor and Proficiency Movement Penalties and Bonuses[edit]

These might be too much, but I had one or two ideas.

  • When a creature wearing heavy armor moves more than half their movement speed on their turn, they might get an attack penalty or have to roll to avoid some kind of Winded condition.
  • When a creature wearing light or no armor moves more than half their movement speed on their turn, they might get an attack bonus if they succeed a Strength (Athletics) check, or possibly get a small bonus to AC against a creature that missed an opportunity attack against them as they moved.
  • Since a creature that takes the Dash action isn't going to be attacking on their turn, maybe they could take a small AC penalty to mitigate difficult terrain during their dash? Or maybe they can take extra damage and risk falling prone to recklessly charge through difficult terrain and mitigate its movement penalties?
  • This may be too esoteric, but it might be cool if skating was a mechanic. Whether on ice, on skiis going downhill, or by using some magic item, it might be interesting to build up a fast movement speed in a straight line, at the cost of having a wide turn radius and taking damage if you cannot stop yourself from hitting a solid barrier.

Hope that greases the wheels a bit!