Talk:Mineralean (4e Race)

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A Few Things[edit]

  • Ability Scores: 4e races have +2 to two seperate stats.
  • Skill Bonuses: 4e races get +2 to two seperate skills.
  • Fluff/Grammer: These guys may need a little more concrete (no pun intended) background fluff. You can always leave them "mysterious" and "inexplicable", but giving Players and DMs more of the feel for what you saw when you made this race helps in role-playing. At the moment I think most would feel they don't know enough about them to desire to make one. With no MM entry to give us a deeper look, everyone is depending on your fluff to tell them all. This is a big difficulty with "original" races; you bear all the burden. Also be wary of this race becoming too similar to Goliaths, I see a few similarities but the specific mechanics so far keep the Traits different enough. Lastly you have a few grammer, and format issues. They are minor but you still want to clean them up.

Thank you for your time. --Sepsis 09:25, 3 May 2009 (MDT)

Also, flavour-wise, the Greatsword proficiency seems a strange fit. Surely a warhammer or pick would be more in keeping with their mineral natures? - Indigo 01:03, 23 February 2010 (UTC).

I've made some mechanical fixes, but... "Most of the Mineraleans store gems that are worth over 20,000 gold pieces, making them worth a long hunt." - Uuuhhhh... big mistake. Marasmusine 07:31, 31 January 2012 (MST)