Talk:Mind Shade (5e Creature)

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Whelp..... Here's my first monster contribution. Lemme Know what your thoughts are!

Congratulations on your first monster! Here are my thoughts:
  • The damage resistances and vulnerabilities need to be justified. For example, why is it vulnerable to lightning damage? I understand how it's vulnerable to radiant damage (many undead are), but where does lightning come in?
  • "Any languages it knew in life" is redundant, since you say that mind shades speak those languages after already listing the languages cloakers speak.
  • Speed should be expressed as "30 ft." instead of "30'"; the former is the standardized notation for speed.
  • Only the names of monster features should be italicized, not the description of features.
  • Why does the "phantasms" reaction say "See Cloacker statistics in the Monster Manual for more information"? Cloakers are SRD creatures (See 5e SRD:Cloaker), and as such you can copy and paste the text of the phantasm ability without violating copyright.

Other than that, your monster looks great! Quincy (talk) 16:14, 1 December 2017 (MST)