Talk:Metagamer (3.5e Class)

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Guessing this is a spoof class? is there any reason for this to exist? Tivanir 13:18, 1 April 2012 (MDT)

Looks like you need to metagame to be a metagamer. What happens if you pick a sourcebook no-one has access to for Sourcebook Knowledge? Guess at the contents? This reminds me of the Dungeon Master class that appeared for AD&D in the first issue of GM magazine. I might reprint that here. As for this, I'll put the april fool's template on it. for now. Marasmusine (talk) 02:48, 21 April 2013 (MDT)

Metagamer opinions[edit]

I usually do not wave the OP-ness flag around, but I really do think it is overpowered. Yes you need to be level 30 to unlock it's full potential, but when you do you become god. You can completely ignore the DM on your turn and do anything anyway to any affect without any chance of fail. I think Damn the DM needs to be scaled down a bit