Talk:Mentat (D20 Modern Class)

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Reminds me of Dune. Silverkin 23:59, 20 February 2011 (MST)

Abilities and such[edit]

Hmm... The main problem here is how to combatize a mentat.

What should be done?

Psionic-like powers? Though that doesn't fit in..

The ability to extrapolate moves and give themselves and allies bonuses? Maybe..

Any ideas?

Zale 21:41, 24 March 2011 (MDT)

Seeing as how this is Dune, there's no reason they can't be a close-combat killer. In face, the first book featured a couple of Mentat assassins and a large part of their effectiveness lay in the mightiness of their social-fu--being able to predict someone's every significant moves and responses several months down the line. I suppose the easiest way is to make a Mentat a combat-tactician, with a side order of social-fu and, oh, poison use or some such. The social skills could be mixed with the party-boosts. As well as cold-reading opponents (know their feats and probable attack methods) with Sense Motive and variations on that theme. 13:18, 2 April 2011 (MDT)