Talk:Malformed Goliath Half-Dragon (5e Race)

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Help Me Understand Your Help[edit]

Maybe I’m seeing it wrong. If you would, please explain what doesn’t make sense in the “Inconsistent Body” feature after flagging it as confusing.

Inconsistent body is confusing because it's description has a poor flow. It says that wearing armor increases your AC by a minimum of 1, and a maximum of 5, but then reiterates it later with an example of leather armor, even though you already addressed that. I think the second and third sentences could be combined into one. Also the hit points increase is kind of tacked on awkwardly at the end. I think that it could be given its own trait. Lastly, I think there are also balance questions that should be addressed. About wording in general, I know that size part isn't right (sizes are supposed to capitalized), and "per rest" wording is incorrect. Coaldstone (talk) 11:15, 22 January 2019 (MST)
Thank you! I have rewritten that trait multiple times because it is dubbed confusing, but without specifics I have had to guess. I genuinely appreciate you input and if you have any more input on balancing, please let me know. Ref3rence 2:21, 24 January 2019 (EST)
I would also recommend reading the 5e Race Design Guide. —ConcealedLightChatmod.png (talk) 16:21, 24 January 2019 (MST)