Talk:Madman (5e Race)
Hey ive got an idea for a new subrace that i think you might like, the Skull-Breaker. These madmen belive their own body is a weapon in its own right. And have honed it to the point that no matter how over or under equipped they are they can always rely on a good ol' headbutt to control the battlefield thru more ways then just brute force.
Bezerker's Greeting: make an unarmed attack against an opponent on a successful hit you headbutt the target dealing 1d8 blunt dmg+Proficiency and making it roll a 1d4: on a one it can't take the attack action for a turn/for this turn, on a two it can't take a reaction for a turn, on a three it can't move for a turn, on a four it will move 5 feet in any direction, it won't trigger an attack of opportunity however. This attack counts as magical for the propuse of overcoming resistances if you are wearing a magic item that covers at least your entire forehead and isn't made of soft, pillowy material. (At the Dm's call any magic item will count, not just headgear.)
This attack benefits from and is impeded by vulnerability and resistance/immunity to blunt dmg
at level 10 the base dmg die is changed to 1d10 and again at 18th to 1d12/2d6 you have a number of 4 charges that replenish after a short or long rest