Talk:Lacundus Drakulum (5e Campaign Setting)

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"Imagine if the gypsies were combined with the Klingons... with the mindset of Hannibal Lecter." Perfect. Exactly what I was going for, though I preferred Fire's Hand for the similarity to some other things --Salasay Δ 08:40, 26 January 2017 (MST)

I'll try to work that in as an inspiration source. My plan was for this to be an "outsiders looking in" perspective. Now I just need Marasmusine to advance his thread, and I can start making rope! --Kydo (talk) 09:07, 26 January 2017 (MST)
That ought to turn some heads. That is, after all, the only reason she takes that form. --Kydo (talk) 12:13, 26 January 2017 (MST)


If possible, could i get a map or general word picture of Klien and its inhabitants? This way it wouldn't have to be hunted down between PC's posts and such and provides some neat primary colors for narrative purposes. I am aware you said you'd provide something more specific for the character I am playing as, and it is your sleep time. This is merely a request for information of Klein similar to that of the central city the WFS group is in. Also, ty for this entire undertaking, its been very enjoyable.--Gr7mm Bobb (talk) 09:19, 2 February 2017 (MST)

Yes. That is reasonable. Map of original Klein uploaded with added roads, buildings, fortifications, and scaffolding. I also intend to build a Klein market. Now that I have a base market for everything, I can copy, downgrade, and reskin it to make the markets for other communities. --Kydo (talk) 01:36, 3 February 2017 (MST)