Talk:Herculean Toughness (5e Feat)
Balance & Other Issues[edit]
Looking at this feat, I can see the idea behind it, ie that you are ridiculously tough. With that said, as it currently stands this feat does need a decent bit of work as it is far better than other comparable feats (tough, heavy armor master, and resilient). I will be going over this feat and describing my thoughts and finding a way to make this feat still be thematic while nerfing it to be comparable to other feats.
- First things first, this feat's prerequisites are an issue. Feats should not have other feats as their prerequisite and given the fact that feats should try to be inclusive as possible in 5e, the Constitution saving throw proficiency prerequisite is far to restrictive. Because of this, the prerequisite should likely be changed to Constitution 13 or higher. (on a side note, harder to meet prerequisites do not allow you to have a more powerful feat in 5e)
- The first feature which gives 1 additional hit point for every level you have is a good feature to have.
- The second feature which just gives advantage on Con saves is too good for a feat to have(straight advantage on saves is really powerful) and the feature either needs to be changed to have advantage on certain saves (against poison, magic, ect.) or perhaps reworked to instead give you proficiency in Con saves.
- The third feature is simply absurdly powerful for a feat. The comparable heavy armor master gives a small conditional damage reduction, rage gives resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage two times at 1st level every long rest and it is harder to keep up. Meanwhile, this feat recharges on a short rest and has the same defensive capabilities of rage which is a huge red flag as no feat should have a feature that powerful as it vastly eclipses the power range of a feat.
With all of that in mind, I do have believe this feat could be changed so its power level is comparable to other feats while retaining the idea of being really tough. One way of going about balancing this feat is to axe the 3rd feature all together and change the second feature to give proficiency in Constitution saves. That way, this feat will have half the benefits of tough and resilient each and will be balanced. With that said, one could also give the option of 3 features and allow you to take two. If that route is taken, besides nerfing the 2nd feature, the 3rd feature could be replaced with something comparable to the damage reduction of heavy armor master except perhaps while unarmored or the Stone's Endurance trait of the goliath race. Either way, I look forward to seeing this feat completed.--Blobby383b (talk) 12:30, 26 September 2021 (MDT)