Talk:Hag Bloodline (5e Subclass)

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Will do full edit if that's okay. Will look at the nature of being a hag, including possible political correctness of playing the archetype and making it gender neutral. Changing powers at all levels.

Edited out[edit]

To save space put the original text here.

You are descended from a powerful Hag, granting facility with illusions.

Level 1: All illusion spells can be learned as sorcerer spells when you have the levels to cast them as such. Gain Arcane Trickster's version of Mage Hand and School of Illusion's version of Minor Illusion as bonus cantrips. If you know the standard versions of either or both, you may take additional cantrips to replace them for a net gain of six at this level.

Level 6: Malleable Illusion, as per School of Illusion. Gain proficiency in Deception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth, and Expertise in any you already know.

Level 14: Illusory Reality, as per School of Illusion.

Level 18: Illusory Self, as per School of Illusion.

Warped Illusions[edit]

Changed Warped Illusions to hopefully be more sorcerer-like.