Talk:Gunslinger, 3rd Variant (5e Class)

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I made this about a year ago, but I never got the chance to playtest it. I was hesitant to upload it because of said reason, but I finally decided to anyway. That being said, I am aware that there are probably quite a few balancing issues, and I am not great at balancing. So I'm open to feedback! A few things to note:

The gunslinger is intentionally slow at lower levels in order to balance out the high damage output.

Not all the items in the Equipment table have to be used. I simply added them to experiment, and it is ultimately up to the DM to decide which items to add.

I made the gunslinger and its subclasses with only the 5e PHB in mind, and not any of its supplements or any other homebrew material.

-- OP (9 DEC 2017)

--Seriously overpowered, the guns are too powerful for context, and the skills also provide too much damage too consistenly, needs to tone down damage and the ease of achieving crits signifigantly (anon, 21/10/2018)



13 DEC 2017 Added pump-action shotgun to the Equipment Table. Adjusted Equipment Table order list by category and adjusted firearm damage values. Added long range damage limitations to spread weapons.

12 DEC 2017 Adjusted ranges on firearms to more accurately reflect real-world ranges.

10 DEC 2017 Added Equipment Table and modified Sniper's Expertise to not include spread weapons.

9 DEC 2017 Added Gunslinger, New Variant (5e Class) to the D&D 5e homebrew classes page.