Talk:Gunblade FFVIII (3.5e Equipment)

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I REALLY like the idea behind this weapon, 2d8 seems a bit steep for ranged damage but 'meh' I would point out that "Lucky Shot" wouldn't that just be a Critical hit?

"On a critical melee hit you deal additional Piercing damage equal to a Ranged attack (2d8 in this case)" surely that works (although it might be better to say "On a Natural 20" rather than a critical hit, because then you don't run the risk of Improved Critical/Keen effects increasing the chance beyond 5% and you can still deal the extra damage to Undead and Constructs

Just my thoughts (OmegaXicor 13:06, 9 March 2012 (MST) = OmegaXicor 19:36, 10 January 2006 (UTC))

A version I was thinking about making was going to be a longsword stats but at the cost of 1 ammo you could fire with your swing to add maybe 1d4 to the damage. you would be able to upgrade the revolver part of this as you level and travel to add more d4s as time goes on. then on a nat 20 you could fire it AS you hit to add the piercing damage as well. maybe 2d6 or 1d8 or something that would also upgrade as the gun got better. You could also use it as just a ranged weapon as well for just the guns damage what ever that would be. I also want it to be fair and as a newer player I would love help in making this weapon fun yet fair.--VonZomB (talk) 13:13, 9 March 2020 (MDT)