Talk:Finisher (5e Feat)
LOVE the overall idea of bonuses for defeating creatures. Could add a lot of awesome flavor and interesting strategies, especially between characters and against bosses with minions. It has the potential to bog down the game, but I think has potential to be a really interesting feat.
A dice would be optimal, but which size goes to what CR is difficult to remember, and would result in players referring back to the feat repeatedly. I've heavily reworked it to scale based on Challenge Rating by a factor of 4, rounded up. So rats give you nothing. 1/8 (Kobolds) and 1/4 (Goblins) give you 1, 1/2 (Orc) gives you 2, 1 (Brown Bear) gives you 4 and so on. This could be too much or too little, as the benefit happens every time you personally defeat a creature.
The list of benefits to choose from is just my first idea of what it could be. Bonus to damage, hit points, or temporary hit points (if you're already at full).
Other ideas included advantage on attack rolls, and stuff like that, but that can't scale by challenge rating, so killing a lowly goblin would give someone advantage on the Hill Giant. It might work, but I wasn't sure. --Carcabob (talk) 16:57, 16 February 2017 (MST)